FilmIndia (1939)

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STOP PRESS Mr. Baburao Patel, has now reached Hollywood where Will Hay's office is sponsoring his visits to the various studios. Mr. Patel in the course of his conversations with various prominent producers and stars, has been expressing the resentment of his country against anti-Indian films. A detailed report of Mr. Patel's activities in Hollywood, from his own pen, will appear in the next issue. The report of Mr. Patel's stay in New York, received from the News Press Service of U.S.A., will be found on page 19. The memorandum on the sub ject of anti-Indian films that Mr. Patel submitted to Lord Zetland in London, appears on page 45. GIRL ON THE COVER n minii Proprietors: Filmindia Publications Ltd., 104, Apollo Street, Fort. Bombay Editor: BABURAO PATEL Vol. 5 OCTOBER 1939 No. 10 WAR and the Indian Film Industry And so, after years of suspenseful and agitated tension, the Nazi Fuehrer has plunged the world into yet another homicidal war. The tragedy is that because one megalomaniac exHouse Painter has taken it into his head to expand his 'empire', Poland must be blown to smithereens by German bombers, normal life must come to a stop in France and Britain, millions of mothers all over the world must be prepared to lose their sons, and wives should steel their hearts against the prospect of never seeing their husbands again. Even India, as a part of the British empire, cannot but be directly involved in this trial of strength between the 'democracies' and the Nazi moloch. Also there is no doubt that our sympathies are all on the side of the victims of Nazi aggression. Though far removed from the actual theatre of war, already we are feeling the pinch in a hundred different ways. Profiteering has raised its ugly head and prices are soaring high, much to the discomfiture of the middle and working classes. PRICES SHOOT UP Even the Indian film trade must necessarily feel anxious about its prospects in the near future. A leading German firm that used to supply raw film and equipment on credit to many of the studios has been closed Some producers are finding it pretty hard to get film stock even for their daily requirements The price of film stock has already appreciably increased as also the prices of chemicals and photographic materials like printing paper for stills