FilmIndia (1939)

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FILMINDIA SANT TUKARAM The screen carried his uplifting message to millions all over the country. men have abused and exploited even such noble institutions as religion and patriotism! Religion does not become bad simply because billions of human beings have been killed in its name and patriotism is still a virtue even if jingoes have waged imperialistic wars for supposedly patriotic purposes. Then why brand the cinema as evil when, properly used, it can be an instrument of much good in this world? There seems to be a general impression (and I fear that you have been led to share it) that the Cinema films exclusively deal with sex and love themes. I am not surprised that such an impression exists because until recently it was true and, in the case of India, it is still largely true. But in a few lines I wish to sketch briefly for your information some of the social and educational activities carried on through films in foreign countries. Education: In most western countries visual instruction in Science, Natural History, Geography, History, etc., is imparted through the screen to supplement the text-books and lectures. News: News-reels, often flashed on the screens within a few hours of important happenings, bring a 22 visual record of events of political and general interest before the cinema-goers. General Knowledge: Short films on such diverse topics as Science. Lives of great persons, Travel. Household management, Hygiene, Cooking, etc., are regularly shown with entertainment films. Anti-Crime: The crime wave in U. S. A. has been appreciably checked by exposing crime methods in such films as the "Crime Does Not Pay" series. Political Information: "March of Time" is a new feature which brings a pictorial record of world events, so assembled that each feature provides intelligent information on some vital political problem of world interest — e.g., American Foreign Policy, Japan's Spencer Tracy as the idealist who created "Boys' Town" Problems, The New Turkey, Present Situation in Mexico, etc. Then I may also mention some of the most inspiring 'documentary' films about China and Spain that were recently shown in India. These are, of course, what may be called the extra-entertainment, non-commercial films but the demand for them is increasing and a considerable part of the programme in cinemas is being taken up by such useful films. But even among entertainment films the socially useful and October 1 Paul Muni as Emile Zola, tr|l great fighter for justice. morally uplifting element i steadily on the increase. I J below a list of only a few wesw — and Indian — films which are I exceptionable even from the vil point of the strictest moralist]] am sure if you saw them, 1 would have nothing but praise ] them. I may add that each I them has been very popular t« literally millions of cinema-gcij all over the world have seen thn Life Of Louis Pasteur: The stS of the great scientist and humaji tarian who discovered the cure I rabies (American). Life of Emile Zola: The inspiri story of the great French wril and fighter for justice. (Americ: Boys Town: The story of a nd clergyman's efforts to reda derelict children. (American) Lost Horizon: A plea for n< violence and absence of conflict the only cure for the World's i (It reminded everyone of many your teachings and was perh; inspired by them!) (American) Juarez: The story of the Mexk hero who liberated his coun from foreign rule (American). Sant Tukaram: A beautiful di matization of the life of the Mar rashtrian poet-saint, (Indian)