FilmIndia (1939)

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October 1939 FILMINDIA Jilloo, Sankatha Kayamali, Bhudo Advani, Jamu Patel — Released at Pathe Cinema — Date of Release: 2nd September 1939. It is one of the paradoxes of the film industry that while the unpretentious and modest "Sadhana" scored so well, Sagar's more ambitiously planned and boosted "Comrades" did not come up to expectations. The Story: It is the old, old story of two brothers (Jatin and Kiran) Who love the same girl (Rekha). All the three are supposed to be great friends, devoted "Comrades." The girl seems to be on terms of intimacy with both the brothers, more so with the elder brother Jatin. One day Jatin overhears Kiran making love to Rekha. A storm intervenes, the radio-set is miraculously tuned-in to the correct station and the voice of a radio singer beckons him to the path of sacrifice. He must renounce his love for the sake of his brother. How noble! But, instead of quietly leaving the home, Jatin indulges in most amazing orgies of drinking and loose living which are so comical that the sacrifice motif is completely clouded over. Turned out of the family by his father, Jatin becomes a thief. He robs his own A broom in hand and submission in her eyes — that's Gohar in 'Achhut'. family, causes a poor innocent girl (Jyoti) to leave her home for his sake, treats her brutally, is inevitably involved in a motor accident and flirts with the nurses and generally behaves like a scamp. In the end, however, we are assured that he was all the time pure like a saint and he had been doing all this only to convince Rekha of his worthlessness so that she may marry the other brother. Pathos is piled thick in the latter sequences, there is a storm number two, the other brother has to fall down a staircase and the good old bandages are put round his head this time. The "Comrades" are happily re-united and everyone lives happily ever after. Performances: Jyoti who seems to have improved greatly since her last appearance in "The Only Way" shares the acting honours with Surendra who is better in the serious than in the lighter sequences. Maya, vivacious in the gayer moments, cannot cope with tragic situations. Harish may improve under better direction. Production: With better scenario, direction and editing the story could have been made into a better picture. The director's attempts at original cross-cuts and angles