FilmIndia (1939)

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FILMINDIA December 19 people of the world. With their subtle efficiency, the British have successfully managed to keep both our country and our people out of the modern world. India is no news to any one in the world. Americans know Mahatma Gandhi more than they know India. His mysticism puzzles them, perhaps because such spiritual grandeur is Photo taken on the occasion of the official reception given to Mr. Baburao Patel at the World's Fair, New York. (Seated) Mr. Nathan D. Golden, Chief of the Motion Picture Division of the U. S. Department of Commerce and Mr. Baburao Patel. (Standing) Mr. Joseph D. Basson, President of Local 326. denied to the average dollar-crazy American. They asked a thousand questions about our patriot saint and while giving them all the news about him, I had to tell my grievance about the anti-Indian films. I had to shout, write and threaten. I did all that to carry my quarrel to their heart and home. From Alexander Korda in London to Harry Warner in Hollywood, all were seen and told. All listened sympathetically and anxiously. Sympathetically, because, Americans are good sportsmen and anxiously, because, India is a good potential market for American films. I approached Lord Zetland, the Secretary State for India and took an assurance from hii Warmly welcoming me to the country, he ga his full support to my mission and promised do all in his power to prevent production of filr that slander India. Everyone seemed to understand and ever one promised. Even genial George Stevens, tl man who produced "Gunga Din" without ar intention but merely for entertainment, saw tl force of my arguments when I explained to hi the reasons of our resentment. And George sai "Next time I produce an Indian subject, I hoj to please India." They have all promised to nurse and safl guard the national self-respect of our count/ and our countrymen. Time alone will pro^ whether we can rely upon the promises of tl West. Every country in the world received me wej The journalists— my professional brothers (ar there are numerous sisters in this profession t(| in America) all over the world — went out their way to give my mission a press break whid would have been impossible in the present w^ times, had they not taken a personal interest me. I made friends by hundreds and they will r{ main friends of India to tell the world in the| parts what a great country is India and how goc are her people. I have only one complaint. And that is thi in London, the capital of our King Emperc twentysix good hotels refused to give me lodJ ings because I was an Indian. Englishmen ai still as stupid as ever and believe in such pueril demonstration of their supposed racial superioj ity. The Germans who rain bombs on the wives and children can enjoy the hospitality any hotel in London, but the Indians who fee and maintain the British prestige are denied tl ordinary courtesy. After all one must admit thi the world is still ruled by the invidious coloif complex. The propaganda value of my tour cannot over-emphasised. Due to lectures and press i^ terviews, many people in different parts of tl world are now anxious to see Indian films. It up to our producers to show enterprise and gn them our films when they want them — good filr that will bear out all the grand description gave of India and Indians. And now I am glad I went but more because I returned .