FilmIndia (1939)

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ecember 1939 FILMINDIA rom: Miss Pilloo S. Petit (Bombay) Are Ratan Bai and Sabita Parsee girls ? Now don't be disappointed. They are not. The tirst one is a Mahomedan while the second one is an Anglo-Indian. from: Y. N. Kumar (Mysore) Can you rate the talents of the following story writers: Saradindu Banner ji, Kamal Arnrohi, P. K. Atre tad Gunvantrai Acharya ? Compared with the others Saradindu is a classic writer. He is very good at social plots. Kamal Arnrohi is a creative thinker. He gets an idea, often new and provocative, but just fails to deliver it. Atre specializes in light literature and is good at comedies. Gunvantrai merely writes language, he seems to lack ideas. Which was the best stunt picture in 1938? I don't see any 'stunt' pictures and I think no sensible man should see them. From: Vipin H. Jhaveri (Surat) Did Miss Padma Devi accompany Mr. Baburao Patel on his tour round the world ? No. Will you tell me why she should ? ■ From: Chunni Lall Luhar (Rajnandgaon) I think Kanan is the most popular star in India ? I think Devika is. From: K. Mahomed Ebrahim (Balehennur) I am a matriculate and I want to become an actor. If I come to Bombay will you help me or not ? The job you will have to find out yourself, I am not an employment agent. But if you have talents, it will not be difficult to find one. I shall help you become a better actor by criticising your performances once you start giving them and provided you are prepared to learn. From: B. Nagaraja Rao (Anantapur) I am very anxious to work in a Telugu picture so please let me know the most kind hearted director, so that I get a chance easily and without any difficulty whatsoever. I appreciate your anxiety to work in a picture. Unfortunately over 30 million people have the same anxiety and directors cannot afford to be "most kind hearted" and yet I would suggest your trying with Mr. K. Subramanyam of Madras United Artistes. Mr. Subramanyam is a very enterprising man and often tries new talent, that is if you have the stuff in you. From: V. M. Sukumar (Tellicherry) I would like to know who reviews the films for Filmindia ? You are asking for a trade secret. Allow me to assure you, however, that the man who does it knows his job well and in executing it from month to month he provides an impartial guide to filmgoers all over India. I can't divulge his name as I have guaranteed his personal safety, against the whims of some of our producers. From: K. Chandra Pal (Masulipatam) Prior to Prabhat had Shanta Apte appeared in any film ? Shanta Apte's first film appearance was in "Shyam Sunder" produced by Saraswati Cinetone. Poona. Her work in that picture was not praise-worthy. From: Usaf AH Khan (Beawar) Why has Prithviraj left New Theatres ? Certainly to get a better salary and perhaps to do better work. Let us wait and see. You will probably see him in the next fifteen pictures of Ranjit. From: U. T. Acharya (Anantapur) I want to have a course in cine-photography? Write to the New York Institute of Photography, 10 West, 33 Street, New York and call for their prospectus. They also have a postal course. While writing, refer to filmindia and you may get an immediate reply. From: Masood Asad Salebhoy (Siam) In Siam, Indians are very anxious to see Indian pictures. Occasionally some rotten Indian pictures are sent there which have created a bad impression of India and Indians on the Siamese people. Why don't the better companies send some better pictures ? You are right. This is another form of slandering our people in the eyes of other people. The pity is that this dirty work is being done by some of the Indian producers. I think the better class producer should do something about this by sending better pictures to create a better impression about Indians and their industry. Let us see who takes the lead. What is the age of Naseem and what are her qualifications ? I have stopped telling the ages of women, because as they grow older their ages become less. And in case of a film star it is also dangerous to predict. As regards Naseem's qualifications she is beautiful in a way and is fast learning to act. See her as Nut Jehan in "Pukar". From: G. Sharma (Ludhiana) Two of my friends want to be villains. They have striking features for this work. Which company is in need of such villains ? Wadia Movietone, Parel, Bombay. And don't forget to say how much they weigh. That is an added qualification. From: R. Fraidoon (Madras) It is curious to note that inspite of large collections on their films, why should a good number of studios fail regularly ? r