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FilmIndia (1939)

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Ancient kings kept cool under the peacock pan wielded by slave girl Modern Citizens find soothing comfort under the silent zephyrs of 1-E.W. super fans. Moderately priced, efficient and foolproof, these all swadeshi fans give coolness with 33 to UO per cent saving in current. I.E.W. fans are used by several Governments JhemLeA and JXoneeA ManuftactuteAl of, £iecULc Oxuid in Undia INDIA ELECTRIC WORKS, LIMITED, 6, SIR PHIROZESHAH MEHTA ROAD, FORT, BOMBAY Head Office: CALCUTTA COMINGl ★ KHURSHID * ASHIQUE HUSEIN THE DALGHTEE§ CE INI IA in The Qreater Picture Since "MOTHER-INDIA" The DAUGHTERS OF INDIA A SUPER PICTURES PKOIH CXION The Brains of "MOTHER-INDIA" Behind it in Making ! Wl tfl cScenatz'o Qontinuiiy ' • M. G. DAVE VIMALA DEVI, ABDUL KADER * RADHA DEVI, LEELA DEVI m Q)irectot : • V. M. VYAS THE CLIMAX OF HUMAN INTEREST PICTURES •jr. ■ — — — &0T Jiookinq Ofpply to; VICTORY PICTURE DISTRIBUTORS, Kennedy Bridge, Qrant Road. BOMBAY 7