FilmIndia (1940)

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T EDITOR'S mmii [In this section, the editor himself replies to queries from the readers. As thou £ sands of letters are received every month — some anxious and several frivolous — it % is neither possible nor convenient to attend to all. Selected letters are usually £ treated in an informative and humorous strain and no offence is meant to anyone.} f Ram Pratap Dixit (Fatehgarh) What is your opinion about the present-day productions of New Theatres? Is it not like filling old wine in new bottles? Do you know that old wine is expensive because it tastes better? And besides, don't you think that some of the new "bottles" given by N.T. are quite attractive shop articles'.' Balu T. Daryanania (Hyderabad) When will "Achhuf" in English version be released? Is it nearing completion? I think it will never be produced. It has become one of those time-worn threats which Indian producers give us in their utter modesty. What is the usual length of an Indian picture? Which is the longest picture in India? The usual length is somewliere between 12 and 13 thousand feet. But the longest picture is that which bores you the most and we do have a large number of marathon shows like this every year. P. P. Narayan (Matunga) What is the real name of Anuradha alias Sushila? Can you give me some personal details about her? Her true name is Khursheed but now I think she has permanently taken up Anuradha as I find her playing a good role under that name in "Bahurani" an India Artists' picture. Personal information is beyond my scope. T. B. Menon (Calcutta) What about the future film career of Shanta Apte? It is for her to decide whether to chase the shadow or the substance. She seems to be doing well with a bit of publicity in odd towns. G. Haji (Dar-es-Salaam) Has Khursheed acted in any other picture except "As You Please"? You unit see her in "HoW the new Ranjit social picture which will soon come to the screen. M. S. Swamy (Bangalore) Which is the better picture between the two. "Snake Charmer" and "Kapal Kundala"? The Snake Charmer charmed more. V. D. Shena (Trivandrum) Whom do you consider the most beautiful among the following: Kanan Bala, Naseem, Shanta Apte and Devika Rani? Devika Rani! And that is enough. Who will be the heroine of Shantaram's next picture? Miss Opportunity. S. Ramkrishna (Thillasthanam) Why don't you publish a three-colour photo of Chandramohan of "Pukar" fame? With Chandramolian already so popular, I don't think Sohrab Mody will risk doing it. Ravi Venkatapati Rao (Mopidevi) Who is the best art director in our film industry? Syed Fatehlal of Prabhat. Please recommend some books on art direction? See Prabhat pictures. Harimohan Nandkeolyar (Allahabad) I am in the habit of collecting autograph photos of famous stars. But unfortunately, I don't possess the photo of Leela Chitnis? That is really a misfortune in 1940 icith Leela as a top liner today. Why not write to her c/o Bombay Talkies, Malad and I am sure she won't refuse. Dr. Wazir Chand Chopra (Jullunder) I have seen "Admi" fifteen times. Will Shantaram send me his photo if I write to him? I think you ought to send your photo to Shantaram. He would Uke to see the man who paid him a tribute fifteen times. By the way, have you been a policeman before by any chance? Raman Desai (Bombay) What is the place of music in Indian pictures? It is just misplaced at present. Miss Kamla Mathur (Lahore) What are the elements of a really good screen story which all audiences will like? Producers and critics are wont to say that a certain picture is either good for "the ??iasses" or for "the classes ". But this classification is merely mythical. A picture is seen by all at the same time — young and old, clever and innocent, cultur I