FilmIndia (1940)

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7L EDITOR'S IMIIIi .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>>J^>> I ™ [In this section, the editor himself replies to queries from the readers. As thou & Z t f sands of letters are received every month — some anxious and several frivolous — it f $ y 4 is neither possible nor convenient to attend to all. Selected letters are usually t 5 ? j treated in an informative and humorous strain and no offence is meant to anyone.} f .vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV\NS.XXXXXXXX^^ Jitendra J. Vyas. (Pretoria) The Indian films that go to South Africa are "age-old" pictures like "Puran Bhakt" and "Harischandra". In the mythological pictures when people see men with four arms, they laugh. There are many Indians in South Africa who have never been to India and would love to know something really authentic about India. The Indian films which come to Africa are old and rotten and even for these we pay 3/6 shillings for a seat; Why don't the producers send really good pictures which expand the already excellent market the Indian films have? I quite appreciate the spirit of your complaint. Even in India in some distant towns only bad Indian films are showri. I am tired of pointing out these things to our producers. In any other walk of life, people have enough sense to realize what way one's own interest lies, but in the film industry people are so much self-centred that they have not the faintest notion of the real purpose of their business. Even progressive producers err sadly where the African exploitation is concerned. G. B. Tolaram. (Hyderabad). In which picture has Leela Chitnis done the best acting so far? She gives a popular performance in "Kangan" but her real good work is seen in "Tidsidas". You might, however, like her more in "Better Half" the latest Huns picture. M. Thirumala Rao. (Bodagadu). Who is the best Director in India to-day? V. Shantaram of Prabhat. Which is the best picture of 1939? "Admi" produced by Prabhat. Seetanandan Jha (Patna). In the popularity poll taken by the "Orient" weekly of Calcutta. Leela Desai has taken the top. May I know why? Is she better than Kanan? •Orient'' is a good news weekly which is essentially read by people .who want .news. .The paper does not specilize in film news or film fans. The poll of these readers, therefore is perfectly harmless. It is certainly not a verdict on talents and the result of the poll leaves every one a bit amused. I personally think that in acting Kanan is far ahead of Leela Desai. Bhishma Singh (Bhagalpur). When will our producers give us educational pictures? When we shall get educated producers. Majority of stars don't act but ape. Why don't you kick them in your reviews? When you tell them so, then they begin living like apes. This month a big boosted hero looks like an escaped gorilla because last month I told him that at best he merely tries to act. These stars don't like the truth about themselves. They like to live in their self-created glamour. B. S. Swamy. (Nanjangud). I am twenty years old. I am an artist. How should I proceed to become an art director? Spend the next five years in Prabhat under Syed Fatehlal and at twenty five you will be an art director. Sukumar V. M. (Tellicherry). Instead of the usual "girl on the cover" (half of whom are usually old hags) why not give us once in a way "The boy on the cover"? You are right. I am also thinking of it for some time. So long we have kept the boys "under the cover" to safeguard their modesty. I think I shall put out some of them in the future seeing the alarming increase of hermaphrodites among the female stars. We would like to hear Baburao Patel on the air reviewing Indian films in English. You will have to wait till an Indian producer produces his first film in English. I think that the review of "Sapera" in Filmindia was written by Mr. Abbas? So what? Y. K. Suri (Madras). I want the address of Ram Bagai. the Hollywood Indian? Address him c/o The American Express Co., Mahatma Gandhi Road. Fort. BOMBAY. N. R. Sarkar (Calcutta). Why does Padmadevi go from one studio to another? Why does she not stick to one studio? All along this artiste has been working on the picture contract basis and has perhaps been so busy that she could not find time to settle, down [Coutd. on page 21) 19