FilmIndia (1940)

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April 1940 HLMINDI A {Contd. from page 19) in any one studio. But I think, now that she has signed a contract with Kali Films of Calcutta, she might be seen a little longer in a single studio. B. R. Raj. (Bangalore). Which is Shantaram's next picture and what is its theme? Shantaram's next is on a great theme and is called "Padausi" (The Neighbours). Perhaps it proves to the world that a grand and good house is not enough to make a home. It should have good neighbours. Shamsuddin S. Damji. (Mombasa). Don't you think that it is now time for our producers to cut down their pictures to a certain length. Yes, now it is at an uncertain length between twelve and fifteen thousand. But till people like you insist on a certain length by not supporting the present uncertain length we won't have pictures of a less certain length. So the remedy is in the hands of the audiences themselves. I think Leela Desai to be better in dancing than Sadhona Bose? I don't think so. To agree with me, you shoidd see "Kum-Kum" the Dancer, in lohich Sadhona will surprise you. Nanoobhai B. Patel. (Bombay). Indian films use a duet to express love. Don't you think they would do well to use a kiss instead? Yes, a kiss would be the shortest cut. which perhaps the audience would also like, if it is passionately given. But what about the literary bile of the dialogue writer v)ho wants to spit out love through the painted lips in the shape of senseless words? Then there are the Censor Boards with their unromantic inspectors and tired fossils as members of the Boards. Won't they fall to pieces if they see a good long-winded kiss on the screen? They haven't kissed even their wives. If a beauty competition is organized among our film stars who, do you think, will win the prize? I don't think that our film stars can stand a real beauty contest. They can compete in separate items such as eyes, nose, ears, legs etc., but not with all these parts put together. B. A. Pooviah. (Pollibetta). I am 23, with a good figure and features. I can sing very well. I know Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and English. I can act very well and have received several prizes in school plays. Do you think any director will take up my services? No! you have too many qualifications to fit in with the present requirements of the industry. If you had no teeth, or a squint eye or at least a distant resemblance to the prehistoric ape, I could have recommended you. Several artistes we find on the screen to-day come up to these expectations. Good, but see them move in "Gorakhnath" an Arun picture. M. Narayan Rao. (Cocanada). What is the name of the girl who blows the trumpet in Prabhat's trade mark? She is the nameless girl who heralds the davm of Art. I think she must be one of the numerous extras which Prabhat usually employs. S. Mohidin. (Gadag). From your criticism of several films, I have come to the conclusion that you are being bribed by Prabhat and Ranjit especially and some other producers? / wish Prabhat and Ranjit had enough sense left to do that. They use up all their intelligence in giving us good pictures which command good reviews. After producing good pictures if producers also paid journalists for good reviews, what more would the struggling journalists ask for? I also give good reviews to producers who don't even advertise in filmindia. Didn't "Pukar" get an excellent review? And now remember that a good, review depends on a good picture. A. Jaggarao. (Vizagapatam). What became of Aruna Devi of "Deccan Queen" fame? She got married and has now became a real queen. Who acts the best among the following: Prithviraj, Motilal and Kumar. Motilal! {Coritd. on page 23) 21