FilmIndia (1940)

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1L EDITOR'S NIHIL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv^C^v I [In this section, the editor himself replies to queries from the readers. As thousands of letters are received every month — some anxious and several frivolous — it is neither possible nor convenient to attend to all. Selected letters are usually treated in an informative and humorous strain and no offence is meant to anyone.] ^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ G. M. Joshi. (Hyderabad, Deccan). Does Navinchandra know Marathi? Yes, enough to ask his maid servant for a glass of water. S. N. Raizada. (Meerut). I am twenty years old, with good figure and features. I know Hindi and I can act and sing very well. By God's grace, I am gifted with rosy cheeks, eyes as blue as heaven and beautiful appearance. Can you recommend me to any film director? Yon sound like a technicolor proposition. Try your luck with Sohrab Mody. He is kind hearted and gives a chance to every young man, particularly from U.P. as people from that province understand his language more easily. W. R. Singarababoo. (Madras). Which is Devika Rani's next film? People on our side are waiting to see her. Same here. She will soon resume work in "Narayani" and with a bit of good luck we should be able to see the picture in September. I heard that Leela Chitnis is not an Indian girl. Am I right? No, you are wrong. I think Saigal is the most popular star in India? Popular, of course! Jaswant Singh. (Agra). After your world tour, when you returned to India, did you gain or lose in weight? I dropped some pounds over the seas. Why, Mahomed Akbar Fazalbhoy of Film City, who returned recently from his American tour, has done the same. And he had gone with his family. I think it is the fine climate that keeps one in trim. What about the second session of the Indian Motion Picture Congress? What about it? Those responsible have not yet forgotten the first one and what it cost them, though people in Bengal are trying to help them forget. I don't think that anymore sessions are going to be helpful seeing the resolutions of the first one becoming mere pious hopes. Krishna Rao Kisri. (Cocanada). Has any Indian producer ever ventured to run up to the Himalayas to picturise its natural grandeur? Oh yes! Mohan Bhavnani has done the trick and brought back a "daughter" of the Himalayas. That way Bhavnani has run to all sorts of places and brought back "sons" of Zambo and "Shangrillas" (I don't know what that means, but looking at Navin Yagnik one can assume that a Shangrilla has something to do with a human being). Bhavnani's is an odd occupation. M. B. Md. Saleh. (Dacca). "Sohrab Mody is reputed for training raw hands and he is kind hearted in addition. He is always anxious to help everyone", acting on this advice of yours, I wrote three letters to Mr. Mody, but he refused to help. If he is a kind hearted man, as you say, he should not dishearten me thus. I merely wanted a chance as an actor. What shall I do? I am shocked to learn this. I know Sohrab Mody personally. He is an intimate friend of mine in addition. He has more milk of human kindness tliat anyone else I knoiv. He is, by his own confession to me, always anxious to help every struggling artiste. He takes it as his sacred duty as the President of the Artistes Association to help new people. I don't undertand why he should have refused to help you. Probably in the pressure of work, he lost sight of his duty as President. Write to him again, requesting him to reconsider your case. I am sure he will do the needful. In a similar case, an applicant called on him personally and Mody engaged him in his own studio. That man is drawing three hundred a month to-day. Mohan A. Shahani. (Hyderabad Sind). Can you tell me which film Mr. A. R. Kardar is directing at present in the National Studios? "Puja" — for which he has so far offered enough personal sacrifice. Let us pray for its success. K. Ramrao. (Calcutta). Shanta Hublikar's song in "Admi" in several languages has puzzled me. Can you tell me what is her mother-tongue? I think her mother-tongue is Kanaresc and her step-mother tongue is Marathi. The rest are foster products. Shanta has versatile talent. B. C. Jain. (Bhagalpur). I am the best actor of the town and I want to act with Devika Rani. Will she allow me to act with her? Oh yes, she will if you are what you say. But Bhagalpur is not the best town in India. 13