FilmIndia (1940)

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s This section is the monopoly of "JUDAS" and he writes what he likes and about things which lie likes. The views expressed here are not necessarily oars, but still they carry weight because they are written by a man who knows his job. A MODERN BLACK HOLE People who wish to see a modern "Black Hole" may visit the Imperial Cinema, at the Lamington Road, Bombay. Bombay has got several bad theatres, — some of them no better than repainted stables — but this is worst in a City that claims to be the home of the Indian film industry. From every point of view — hygienic, public health and popular comforts — the Imperial Cinema has outlived its usefulness and it is high time that the Commissioner of Police, and we know him to be a conscientious officer, withdraws the license for this theatre. Cramped, ill-ventilated, choking and badly kept, this picture house is a disgrace to the first city in India. It is not in the interest of public health to continue a performance license to a theatre like this which may veritably be a breeding place of disease. One has only to sit in any one of the shows, whether crowded or not, to verify the truth of our re marks. It docs not need an expert or any extensive investigations to realize the filthy atmosphere in which entertainment is doled out to the public. We and many others have been writing about this sorry state of affairs and about the irresponsible way they are allowed to continue, but for some reason or other, only known to the authorities concerned, no action has been taken. We only hope, we won't have to remind again, as after doing our duty of pointing out an evil, we expect the Police authorities to do theirs of removing the evil. PREMIER VOICE OF THE INDIAN SCREEN We are pleased to note that the Film Advisory Board has accepted our recommendation and found some more work for Ezra Mir, India's ace commentator. After producing "Making Money" an attractive documentary for the Government, Mir has been entrusted with the work of producing a clever propaganda film called the "Voice of Satan." This short feature will be produced at the Wadia Movietone studios who have accepted the work at a little sacrifice, realizing its vital importance in the present times of national emergency. "The Voice of Satan" very rightly expresses the sharp practices of German broadcasts in Hindusthani and divulges the actual conditions of cruel coercion under which the unfortunate Indians in Germany are compelled to broadcast to their people a continuous tissue of lies with a gun between the ribs. Those gullible fools, and India has many, who believe in these broadcasts will get a shock of their life when they see the truth on the screen, when this picture is released. Go on, Mir, give us some more of these. That is the way war propaganda should be done and to that extent we congratulate the Film Advisory Board. It will, however be a good idea to centralize these efforts by organizing a useful propaganda department and placing Ezra Mir in charge. We can not think of Baburao Pendharkar never looked more natural than as a toddy tapper in "Amrit" the Navyug picture in making. 7