Filmindia (1941)

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Septic Germs Lurk Everywhere The Least Scratch will let them in ! To leave healing to chance is to invite trouble. Practise SAFETY FIRST by keeping a tin of Cuticura Ointment handy and using it promptly on all Cuts, Scratches and Abrasions, however trifling. Cuticura Ointment kills septic germs and repels them. No germ can get into a cut once Cuticura is applied. No germ can live in contact with Cuticura. It gives you the protection of the finest antiseptic, PLUS great healing power. Cuticura is the world's finest healer for all skin eruptions. A touch of Cuticura Keeps Germs Out! Use Cuticura Ointment to relieve & heal Dhobi's Itch, Prickly Heat, Ulcers, Bad Legs, Pimples, Boils, Abscesses, Eczema, Cuts, Burns and Septic Festering Eruptions. Sold by all Chemists and Bazars. NOTE. — Skin sufferers should use only Cuticura Soap in the bath and for washing. It has wonderful soothing and emollient properties which are highly beneficial to the skin and complexion. Sample of Cuticura Ointment, Soap and Talcum sent on receipt of 3 annas. Address: Muller & Phipps (India) Ltd., P. O. Box 773, Bombay.