Filmindia (1941)

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November 1941 real struggle; misery and hardships start only after marriage. In most cases, people who have married after understanding each other perfectly find that they have lost the salient freedom they had before. When once the seed of difference is nurtured then there is no limitation to its growth, and the best people rush to the divorce coui'ts after sometime. People who could not do that bide their death cursing the misfortune which had joined them. It may be argued that many marriages have turned out successful bringing in their wake a perfect brood of off-springs to multiply In their turns. If a divine or dictator's law gives human beings unquestionable freedom to choose and think as they wish and guarantee them a decent living then sure enough these successful marriages will be torn to pieces. If such a thing does not happen in India, it is not because we do noi want to be free but because a traditional "poison" has been poured into our ears regarding society and its social restrictions which we unimaginatively cling to as ideals. Hitler is idolised by German youths not because his principles are sound but they are drilled and driven into their ears from childhood. We want a free world. We say, fight for it. When we build a new world let us have a world-wide revolution regarding marital relationship between man and woman. As Baburao says neither man nor woman should be bound to eacn other. Carnal satiation should be had by mutual consent. It should be as unemotional and as casual as buying say, a railway ticket. A democratic government of course, can afford to maintain big dormitories to rear the children of the nation into fine human beings. Such a stage is the extreme point in socialism and will, no doubt, eradicate the countless evils of society, religion, caste and put the community in front submerging the cabals of sects and individuals. A backward country like India should welcome a seer like Baburao. His ideas may be too early but they are quite welcome as they provide a sound base for building a strong GOOD-BYE! The Government At Mr. Alexander Shaw, who had come to India as the Producer for the Film Advisory Board last year vacated his post on the 21st. October 1941 and will be returning to England very shortly to resume his work with the Strand Films. During the year that Mr. Shaw spent in India, he produced only three short films for the Film Advisory Board though he is reputed to have planned several, which, however, have not yet been completed. Mr. Shaw's achievements, however, have to be measured by actual results. And the result is : three short films which take a little more than 18 minutes on the screen. The story of production, the waste, the extravagance, the erratic planning is all too pathetic to permit repetition. "Filmindia" launched an agitation against the appointment of Mr. Shaw as it believes that Indian jobs should go to Indians. If Alex Shaw's name had been Smith, "filmindia" would have criticised the ap edifice for posterity. They may seem abominable and devilish to many. Divorce was considered so by our forefathers and is an accepted necessity today. It is very pleasing to note that such ideas have come out of the big mouth of the Big Boy. As a man who holds a marked influence over the minds of the educated youths of India he has limitless chances of FILMINDlA ALEX SHAW! Last Find An Indian. pointment just as well. The Government of India have now filled up the post with an Indian though only eight months back the Hon. Sir Reginald Maxwell, the Home Member, had replied to Mr. Lalchand Navalrai on the Central Assembly floor, probably to justify their initial mistake. "There are no Indian experts in this particular branch of film productions. It is a new thing in India." Strangely enough, after the nationwide protest against Mr. Shaw's appointment and inspite of reported passionate efforts in interested quarters to get Mr. Shaw an extension, this very Government have now thought it wise to fill the post with an Indian. While we congratulate the Government on their delayed sense of justice and courage we would like to know why they did not have the good sense to look out for an Indian right in the beginning and why had they to resort to common lies in saying that "there are no Indian experts in this particular branch of production." In any case, it is now a story of the past. And let us bury the past in the hope that the future will be more just, more efficient and more sensible. On the eve of Mr. Shaw's departure, we apologize to him if we have hurt him in any way. It was our duty as Indians to fight for our rights for which rights in their own country, Englishmen are so bravely fighting today with their backs to the wall. Socially, Mr. Shaw has always been an agreeable person and we wish him and his charming wife bon voyage. influencing them. He will have a terriflc opposition no doubt. A bomb was thrown on Mahatmaji for advocating temple entry for Harijans, a Pandit or Mulla may place an incendiary bomb at the doorsteps of the Big Boy's house if he begins to preach this idea on a big scale. A bomb may kill the man but not his idea for it is as progressive as rational. 71