FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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These Glittering Stars ! How Do They Look At Home ? By : M. A. Hamid This is not an article but a study, undertaken to prove that our stars of the silver screen are human beings, just like you and me, sharing and cherishing the common virtues and idiosyncracies of the human race. There was a time when they were considered a class by themselves, leading a hectic life, marrying recklessly or even pulling on without marriage and otherwise over-doing their part on the stage of life. They do all these things more or less even now but the social stigma which was once attached to the profession is losing its severity every day. A very happy symptom, indeed. The other day, a friend of mine became unnecessarily bitter against the film stars. He said, giving a twist to his nose: "These actors and actresses .... You know they spend .... spend everything in youth and only thirk of saving in old age". He probably had in mind an old actress taking the rounds at the C.C.I. in desperate need of saving. "That is true of all", I retorted, "Why blame only the film stars." And there is % nothing strange about it for Bernard Shaw has very aptly said that youth is a flooding stream from which one could draw buckets at will but in old age, one has to bottle up, painfully, everything that comes to him. By no means, I want to shatter your dreams about your favourite stars. You keep on cherishing the fantasies about them but if at any Lime you suddenly discover that your idols have feet of clay, don't be surprised or disappointed for they are just ordinary flesh and blood — a Utile more flesh than blood on account of their fat salaries. If our study is going to be of any interest and value, it must be pursued without fear or favour. While J assure the readers that I would be frank and outspoken in my reflections even to a point of audacity, I confess shamelessly that I am writing here only a fraction of what I know. Mr. Baburao Patel must share with me these feelings for he has not only put the brakes on my liberty of writing but still carries with him the editor's privilege of censoring my article. In offering these slight impressions, tossed off in spare time, I will ask my readers to thank those who have honoured Mazhar Khan entertained Producer-Director S. F. Hasnain of Calcutta at the Taj. Here are some of the guests at the main table. From right to left: J. K. Nanda, A. R. Kardar, Y. A. Fazalbhoy, Mazhar Khan, Mr. S. F. Hasnain (the guest), Sir Rahimtoola Chinoy, Baburao Patel, M. A. Fazalbhoy etc Leila Desai — she is now coming to Bombay. me (or my friends) with their friendship— and they are none other than the stars themselves. We are living in a world which is made by man but ruled by woman. Hence the 'ladies first' rule and this brings us to our lady charming of the screen — Naseem Banu. BEAUTIFUL NASEEM Naseem's real name is Roshan Ara. She was born at Delhi but her native town is Amritsar. This is perhaps news to you for you have been told oft and anon that Naseem belongs to Delhi. She was born on the 2nd, January ....but I am not going to tell you the year, for you must not forget that a lady's age is her personal property and I and you have no earthly right to talk about it. So 2nd January! And what a pity! Naseem missed the bus for New Year Honours just by one day.... through no fault of hers, of course. Naseem is popularly known as the beauty queen of the Indian screen. Now, whoever that genius may be who coined this phrase, he overstated the fact. Beauty, she certainly is, every inch but not the queen. And besides, she does not like to be a queen. In fact, her recent 'no' to wear the royal robes landed her into a temporary mess. 65