FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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MARCH 1942 VOL. 8 No. 3 On The Cover SUREXDRA. SUBSCRIPTION: The annual subscription, for 12 issues of "filmindia", is: INLAND: Rs. 8/FOREIGN: Shillings 18/ Subscription is accepted only for a collective period of 12 months and not for a smaller period. Subscription money should be remitted only by Money Order or by Postal Order but not by cheques. V.PP.s will not be sent. Change of Address: Two months previous notice is required for charge of address. Loss of Copies: The publishers do not hold themselves responsible for loss of copies in transit as the copies of the subscribers ore sent under careful superrision. Selling Price: The price of a single copy from January 1942 is Avs. 121 inland and shillings 21 foreign. If any agent is found demanding in excess of this price, the publishers should be informed with the requisite proof. Contributions: Only from qualified writers, contributions a'c accepted. Manuscripts sent by sundry contributors will be returned if only sufficient postage is sent to couer their return. Correspondence: No personal correspondence with the Editor is encouraged. Letters seeking information are replied to in the "Editor's Mail" section according to the importance and the suitability of such letters. Advertising: The advertisement rates are as follows: Full Page inside Rs. 150/ per insertion Half Page inside Rs. 80/ . „ 2nd & 3rd Cover Rs. 200/ 4th Cover Rs. 300/ lst Cover Rs. 1000/ „ Less than half page space will not be booked. The cost of the advertisement should be submitted in advance with the order. The advertisement will be subject to the terms and conditions of our usual contract. filmindia Proprietors : — FILM INDIA PUBLICATIONS, Ltd. Sir Phirozshah Mehta Rosd Fort, Eombay Kili I or: It A It I ' It A O IWTI.I. 7he Tftod Blackmailed Hooligans are giving the great Muslim community a bad name. Almost every other day we hear of stabbings. skirmishes and riots in some part of India. And almost every time the trouble is traced down to the hooligans. The hooligans of the Hindu community are equally competent in defying law and order. And it seems that a time will be reached when our huge population of peace-loving citizens will be ruled by a handful of hooligans with knives and sticks. Cff and on, this very same type cf hooliganism has been practised in our film industry. Years back some Urdu papers in Delhi instituted the racket and black-mailed the Indian film producers into paying them huge amounts as hush money. The producers, being primarily businessmen, went on paying from time to time and now this racket of blackmailing has come to be looked upon as a respectable business in Delhi. Almost every other journal practises it and delights in bragging about the money it managed to knock out from one producer or other. We are afraid the racket has now come to Bombay. Not that it did not exist before. It did. We had our spongers in some film weeklies, but they had hitherto conducted their nefarious activities more by methods of persuasion than by those of violence. But now this racket seems to have taken ■ virulent shape. 3