FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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r. 1?42 F I L M I N D I A r~re:ved ire 5-: ception which it had :es re:: re 3: — bay Another picture they rave ir rising is :a_>d _r d_s:..-.r.. ami it is being directed by Kumar ScT. 5a ~ 2-7~JT. NAYYUG CHXTRAPAT P^ona "Slate Guests'" which features that happy pair of fun makers. Jog and VI " -a—* i •« ::r~ 1" -,v -. -. -. — • » t'cmp:?^;". 1" :> expec ".e-a *; re released at the New West Bod Cinema. Bombay >:" e — tr.e rooEi]*. it A r r . . _ ra. ..r-e-a.y will be _ r. r.-.e-ay -A-;rth see::.; a? Winayak is putting an his bes-. ef« icrts CIRCO PRODUCTIONS Bombay The release of "Anna Ghar" has been unavoidably delay e-d d_« an unfortunate litigation between the producers and a local exhibitor. The picture was advertised for reVase during the month, but if could not be released because of a court injur, c^c-. Th:s picture r.;«vfwiD attract a huge box-office coOectkm because of its inimitable cast mrinriitip Char, dr. a Sr.: Ante. The latter is coming to the Hindi screen after a leng time and is bound to make a sensational re* urr. At the studios. Director A. R_ Kardar is shooting "Nai Duniya . a social story written by Ahmed Abbas and featuring Maihar Khan. Azune and Shcahar.2 Sa~artr. Su.l _; other picture under production » "Bhakta Vidur" featuring Vlshnupar.: Fag:ru5 Tr.-s picture :s ceeuurag slowly and win take sane tune tc c-e crrr pletra VENTS PICTURES Bomt>_> -Kirti" is ready fcr release. This social plot which is written by Mr. M. G. Rangnekar and directed by Mr. Gunjal is reported to have be— ronje a p.vd picture The r.ext nanlure on the production schedule hi "Nan" which will be distributed bv Swastflc India Limited. G1TA PICTURES Bombi? > Thii .s i. r.eiv c-cr.ctrr. -a-tr. _ ■. e-» They have taken up "Adhar" as men frst *:c:_l prfd_cta:r. R._a._ ar.d ir. the lecture They expert t.; rrahe this -:;t_r ^ pert "=•:: :.;x-:rr;-e su ACHARYA PRODUCTIONS Bombay1 Thas :s a rr» rrr.rerr. st,a:.e-a to X has ir-st m up a social chelor Father lm -Mmaoom", Mehtab makes a very beautiful nurse. -featuring Sahu and Prottm* Das Gupta. The picture is being directed by Mr. Kishore Sahu and already a lot of indoor work has r*-er. d.r.e at tr.c Shree Scard Stu MOHAN PICTURES Bo tub> • have done weTL It will be sciceiwd a", tz uraprrtart theatre ar. 5-: —bay very sh. rtly A new picture in making at prefer:* is called ^Zamindar"* under tr.e threat :r ::' Mr A. V Khar. Still sc.— — :re ::x::tr2 are railed -Z-evar i s:c:al ri::\^'s"Surdas*" and ""Sarovarni SundarT*. EASTERN PICTURES Bombay > Zahur Raja, probably the youngr::d-;:r.; entrrusias-: ir. :t.~ r.'ur.try. has already dene a lot of production work on "Badar, a social story featuring Radha Ban*. Urmiua and himself. This pictnie b reported to have a unique arxl unusual !■".:—■ ::' ?— :t::r.3.: ^cuerre* which Mr. Zahur Kaja expects to present wiui a new technique. The next items on th-» production schedule are ~Hasti~ and '"Khayyam** BHARAT PICTURES "i .ts ic::v;:;es Thej* already h: "Swaminath-. tvn for release, and they are also at t Productaon-f. .s exiersaay to day. rpan'* and ! pictures. ? "..Id tha" SWAST1K INDU\ LTD Bo ru Da ▼ ■ nagement of Mr. Trikamlal Recently, they have secured a pie of theatres in the city dii". his already rer.rr. e ~. tre: ous sncceiB commercially. At rate this firm win soon mono a number of theatres in th< backed as it is with a treme i~;ur.: ;: hrxrr-e A r:;:ur; would be released soon tfa them is called •'Avar" produo tr.c Saras v.-a:. Zmetrr.c :: ?•;•:: A MAR PICTIRES Bombaj d :'c3 tempted a very spectacti %v.-.::h has already beer eral c^r."u~£5 ard := :