FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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March 1942 FILMINDIA ...take along my own comfortable chair. AND OUR PICTURES Now about the actual films. They leave me absolutely cold. The tragedies are too too heavy and the "comedies' just miss being funny. As a whole the stars are lifeless. They don't make you feel that the charactors they portray are real live people. When I watch them I can never forget that they are actors and actresses pretending to be other people. I don't like to feel "That's old Surendra or Kumar up there trying to look heroic". I like — but what's the use. No amount of criticism will make some of our wooden "actors" into Paul Munis. Now the girls. Charming they may be, but never beautiful or glamorous, and their make-up It's the very latest thing in plastering. It looks as though it has been put on with an extra large colour wash brush. I like my heroines to look smooth and beautifully groomed even tho' they can't be ravishing beauties. 1 like them to be examples of what women should look like. When the heroine is singing, I don't like to be distracted by her badly painted mouth or a pimple on her chin. Why are the movements of actors and actresses so painfully slow? Modern life is fast-moving. People travel quickly, think quickly and talk quickly. Why don't the stars stop making slow motion scenes? I'd like to see them being more vigorous and sprightly. Lastly, Indian films are too Ions;. They are not interesting enough to warrant their length. After watching an Indian film for half an hour I start yawning with boredom and by the time the film is over I'm practically asleep on my companion's shoulder. If the films were shorter, people wouldn't get hungry and if people didn't get hungry, there wouldn't be hawkers in the cinemas and if there weren't hawkers, the cinemas would be cleaner and if they were cleaner, I'd forget about the hard seats and the poor acting because I'd be forever marvelling at the absence of spilt tea under my foot and pan juice on my frock. FOR LONG, LUSTROUS HAIR SWASTIK PERFUMED CASTOR OIL THE SWASTIK OIL MILLS LTD., BOMBAY 15 Bombay Distributors: M/s. Namiiis Dawjae&Co., 355, Kalbadevi Road, 3ombay-2. Phone 21364-33440 For Smooth, Clear Complexion Use KANTI TOILET SOAP.