FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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F I L M I N D I A May 1942 him. Her gaze went above and beyond him; it was fixed upon the thick gold-embroidered curtains that hung behind the throne. It did not betray her by so much as a flicker; no one — Altunia least of all ■ — guessed what she saw. A faint, almost imperceptible movement behind the curtain; a hand grasping a dagger, that stole forth between them and slowly rose over Altunia's head — a hand wearing a ruby ring of her own bestowing. . .Jafar invincibly faithful; not yet dead despite his mortal wounds, but returned to serve and save her yet. Just far an instant her heart leapt high. But for no more than that. Her mind worked lightningfast. Of what avail his loyalty, of what avail Altunia's death, since the cleavage in the land which Altunia had made, he alone could mend? Only in his life, and in her own alliance with him, lay the hope of her kingdom's salvation. Too late for her to be rescued now; the falling blade could but plunge Hindustan into chaos and disaster. She spoke, looking at the poised dagger that gauged its aim with unsteady, wavering care. It went through her mind, even in that fraction of time that Jafar was strangely slow. "Let no hand be raised against my lord Altunia!" deliberately and saw the dagger halt, and knew that her words had gone home. "He has spoken well; in our union lies the only hope for our land. My lord, I consent. For the kingdom's sake — and for that reason alone — I will become your wife." There was a stir round the crowded court; and a sudden shout of acclamation. Altunia's eyes lit up; triumph blazed in his face. He rose quickly and came down the steps, and took her hands, and led her upto the throne. She went unresisting, still not looking at him, but at the gold curtains whence the hand with the dagger had been quietly withdrawn. In dead silence she took her place at Altunia's side. She alone heard the soft thud of a body that sank to the ground behind the curtains that backed the throne; and Ihe tinkle of a dagger falling gently from the failing hand of him who had served her, as he had desired, to the last moment of his life. FOR SKIN HEALTH and BEAUTY USE This Two Purpose SOAP Because Cuticura is .a MEDICINAL and TOILET Soap, it does two essential things to your skin. It maintains radiant skin health in spite of frequent exposure to the sun and the weather; and it gives harsh, flaky, blemished skin the clear, fresh beauty of youth. In Cuticura Soap the unique soothing, healing and antiseptic medicaments of Cuticura Ointment are combined with the most exquisitely beautifying ingredients ever devised. To relieve sore, rough skin, also to heal pimples, and skin injuries, use Cuticura Ointment. After the bath enjoy the cooling, refreshing fragrance of superfine Cuticura Talcum. Sold by all Chemists and Bazars.