FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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June, 1342 FILMINDIA ing last few years in the standard of production and technique a,nd that was very gratifying but still he would say that generally they are too long, the subject matter is not fully exploited and sometimes, the treatment is conventional without a proper background of realism. When I asked him as to what sort of themes Indian picture should depict he replied, "I would like to see life of an Indian peasant in his social and political setting — rural indebtedness, tragedies from addiction to drink, antiquated social customs etc. Then films on the evils of child marriage and unequal marriages and so many other problems of India today." In short he said, a film should educate the masses — make the issues clearer. He believes that a film with purpose could entertain the public more and serve the national ideals better than those which are built in air. Enter tainment and education must go hand in hand and that has been achieved in all great works of art. CONDEMNS DISHONEST PUBLICITY The Mayor did not approve of dishonest publicity methods of certain producers and exhibitors which misguide the public and snatch from them their hard-earned money and their hour of leisure. A wrong publicity deserves severest condemnation. He considers the film industry should be a part of the national planning. There should be no political censorship but it is essential in case of films which create perverted interest in vices and crimes. A film of real artistic merit should never suffer from censor's scissors. As regards entertainment tax, he opines that lower seats should not be taxed. But expensive seats should be taxed and this is done in every country. When I drew his attention to the unhygenic conditions of certain theatres in Bombay, such as lack of ventilation etc., he said that this should not be tolerated and some drastic action must be taken. As a matter of fact old typed, unsuitable theatres should be either pulled down or they should be used for some other purpose. The municipality might pay a small subsidy to liquidate old rotten theatres. Sooner they are scrapped the better. A place of entertainment should not be a place for breeding diseases. They must be cosy and clean. Let us hope that our energetic and unique Mayor gets co-operation from his colleagues, subordinates and the public to realise his worthy plans. ABDULLA I [il: ill. I lb I lb ill l!i : I® [\(imi fyi li fi i'i ji y fifi | ft ti | njj y (5 fi jj m T3 , FAZALBHOY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, BOMBAY— 1. K a d i o and Cinema Courses for Matriculates* L Radio Service. 2. Wireless Telegraphy. 3. Electrical Wiring. Post Graduate Course. Candidates are admitted from al' 4. Cinema Projection. 5. Photography. 6. Sound Recording. 7. Cine Photography. 8. Radio Engineering. ^ uu,„„.,.CVj Hum an parts of India, regardless of caste creed or sex but to ensure an equitable distribution of trained men, a regional quota system ofadmission is maintained. In order to ensure admission, an early reservation on the waiting list is hence advised For prompt reply, write your name, address and province t.carly and send annas eight for illustrated booklet to expedite despatch. The New Session Commences on the 10th June. ARVI.\D G. It II ATI:. Dipl. Ing. ( Charlottenburg ). Director. 45