FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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June, 1942 FILM INDIA "I would also love to find our idols, shattered on the screen. I mean idols like Rama and others must be exposed and shown in their true colours. All our stories from the Puranas will have to be completely revised in the light of modern research and presented in their correct histcrical perspective. I do not expect any producer to do this and incur the displeasure and disfavour of his present docile clientele. But, a documentary of our movement containing an exposure, or to speak palatably the correct representation of the role of the social reformers like V. R. Shinde and humanitarians like Gandhi, Birla and Thakkar and the Nasik and Mahad Satyagraha episodes would please me very much indeed. We are sick of merely being called Harijans, or done kindness to. We want to have equal opportunities with all other human beings and those too not merely conceded in the academic fashion of the Declaration of Rights as obtained in the Constitution of United States of America. We will never rest content until we get economic equality too, which will be secured only in a socialist society and under a socialist State. If I have my way in making a riocumentary cf our -movement, I shall find place for this idealism in it." OH, THIS WRETCHED HINDUSTHAN! The learned Doctor had suggested an excellent theme to our producers and as I had already taken a good deal of his time, I was about to do some hearty thanksgiving and say good-bye when he rose in his seat, put a hand on my shoulder and s=id "I must tell you something about a very important aspect of films. Films are to be enjoyed in a theatre. Everybody has a right to entertain himself, when he pays the price thereof. But nobody has a right to claim more." I was wondering what new theme he had started to work upon. He was getting sarcastic, as he does quite frequently and when he is so he makes a peculiar face, puts his hands in his trouser-pockets stares at you and speaks somewhat more steadily, laying emphasis on each wcrd he utters. He went on, "Your purchasing a ticket for a show does not entitle you to spit your beetle-juice and worse in front of your seat, you also don't get the right to keep talking shop with your friend, to the annoyance of people sitting next to you or eat and drink while the show is on and spoil other people's clothes and enjoyment. All these things will stop only when a code of behaviour in public places will evolve. You will find in every theatre a board, telling you that smoking was strictly prohibited but numerous pec pie would be found breaking that rule and annoying not a few non-smoking men and women. We lack ordinary courtesies and good manners which are common in Western life. When shall we cultivate them? And suddenly, he burst out in Marathi "Oh God, what will you do with this wretched Hindustan!" The finest Vegetable Toilet Soaps ever made anywhere, they are cosmetic as well as germicidal (in natural brown): selected, emollient, vegetable oils, and ingredients are exclusively used in their manufacture. GODREJ SOAPS, LTD Bombay (DeLisle Road) 51