FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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FILMINDIA June, 1942 Neena will probably faint when the first bomb drops. make acting her career. She would like to play in tragedies because she finds it easier to cry for the cameras than to laugh. Although the public has not yet seen Neena on the screen she has already received thousands of fan letters. "Filmindia' had just printed their second advertisement of Neena when she began to receive 200 fan letters a day. She went once to the Races with her friends and her fans who had never seen her acting recognized her immediately and followed her around to get a better iook at her. They left the horses alone. HER Rs. 70/ PERFUME It was easy to get Neena to talk about feminine things like clothes and make-up. She uses only MaxFactor's lipstick and occasionally a little powder. Her favourite perfume is "Crepe-de-Chine". She has just bought a Rs. 70/ bottle of it. Her favourite colour is blue and after that she likes wearing white best. When I met her she was dressed in a full white Punjabi costume. Long loose trousers, a tunic of white lace and a transparent scarf sprinkled with silver stars draped over her shoulders. She had gold leather sandals on her feet, which come from Lahore. She likes heavy old jewellery but only wears it on special occasions. Neena is very domesticated but prefers to supervise the house work than to do it herself. Neena likes going for walks and to the pictures but otherwise she has no other recreation. Neena is not going to run away from Bombay if bombs are dropped because she wants to experience war. She is a nervous person and will probably 'faint when the first bomb drops but she is determined to stay. She is a very modest young woman. So far her sudden rise to fame has not given her a swollen head. Her chief charm lies in her simplicity; she is a great believer in simplicity and says she will never change. Cynics will say that be JVot even Ahmed can make me think otherwise. fore very long she will become like all the other stars, sophisticated and worldly. I say 'no'. She is too absorbed by her love for her friends and her family to 'sell' herself completely to the industry and become a hard and conceited career woman. If by removing some of the mystery which surrounds Neena, I have damaged her career in any way I apologise to her. But I am almost sure that a little publicity about her private life will only serve to increase Neena's popularity anct not even her Director Ahmed, with his newly-acquired and impressive moustachios, can make me think otherwise. Seems to be quite a pleasant bit seeiny that Mumta: Shanti is lookiny pleased in "Basant" a social picture of Bombay Talkies. 60