FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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July 1942 FILMINDIA She would just love to act with Charles Boyer. time she wanted one but Leela wasn't terribly interested. However two months later she saw a film of his called "Millionaire" which set her thinking. She felt she could act very easily herself if she wanted, so she wrote to Hemchandra saying she would like to become an actress. You w,ill realise what an impression Leela had made on Hemchandra when I tell you that he and Nitin Bose went all the way to Lucknow to offer her a contract. There was no equipment in Lucknow with which to test Leela but they were so impressed with her that they signed her on for a year. So Leela went to Calcutta where she worked in a film called "President" with Kamlesh Kumark She took the role of Toola the younger sister and was so successful in the part that she became famous overnight. What gave her a little extra publicity was the ^act that the papers started a controversy over: which province she belonged to. Leela's mother is a Bengali and the Bengali papers boosted Leela as a daughter of Bengal which made the Bombay papers indignant, because Leela's father was a Gujarati. Leela's next picture was "Dushman" and this too was a success. Leela's third film was "Kapal Kundala" and her last for New Theatres "Nartaki". With the exception of "Kapal Kundala" all these films were also made in "Bengali and she danced in all of them. In "President" she did a Manipuri dance which was the first time that a dance of this sort had ever been filmed. HITLER STOPPED HER But Leela's first love was dancing, and after making these films she went on a dance tour of India with her troupe. The tour was undoubtedly a success because she returned home a much richer woman than -when she left. Leela is in Bombay now under one year's contract to Famous Studios or Laxmi Productions with whom she has just finished "Tamanna" in which she acts with Jairaj. She has just started on another picture called "Alone". Leela is ambitious, and a. good business woman. She is probably the highest paid actress in Bombay. Her The papers started a controversy over which province she belonged to. ambition is to be the greatest artiste in India. Since this is probably the ambition of every actor, actress and 'extra' in India she is going to have keen competition. Never did the beds look more full than now with Gulab and Mubarak in them in 'Ek-Raat'. 47