FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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FILM INDIA July 1942 received about $ 20,000 in all In gifts from Schenck. Bioff further said that Harry Warner had invited him to a meeting organised by the producers to oust Communists and Bundists from the industry. The weight of evidence against Bioff and Browne seemed overwhelming and it took the jury only just over two hours to reach a verdict of Guilty. Judge Knox thanked the jury. "To my mind," he said, "you have performed a very excellent job. It is a highly important case and I am quite sure that your verdict will let fresh air into a lot of homes in this country. All labour will doubtless be glad to have their Unions purged of such individuals. If Union Labour is to endure it must rid itself of men who stand ready to sell out Labour when It suits their purposes." With these words of Judge Knox we can all agree. American Trade Unionism is well rid of these two men, and it is to be hoped that the members of the I.A.T.S.E. will exercise better judgment when appointing their new officials, and, even more important, maintain the closest democratic control and supeivision over their actions. But it seems to me that the trial has done something more than unmask a couple of Labour crooks. On the basis of the evidence, the production companies have come out of it pretty badly too. Without their connivance Bioff and Browne could never have carried on the racket. Men whose names are household words, whose publicity departments have built them up as the inspired leaders and geniuses of a great industry handed over nearly a million dollars to these racketeers. That money did not come out of their own pockets, it came from the pockets of the public, the film-going public all over the world who pay their money at the box-office. To us the reflection is bound to occur that an industry not noted for its friendliness to trade union demands for better wages and conditions can without the slightest difficulty find gigantic sums of money for ends which are contrary to the interests of trade unionism and of the well-being of the public as a whole. Make no mistake about it. This money was paid to Bioff and Browne in the hope that they would not call strikes, that they would get rid of the militants, and preserve as far as possible a status quo favourable to the employers. That is how the "great" American producers, who preach to the world new standards of life, live themselves. We are glad that our producers don't follow this pattern of life, not yet. jjjjj (i (j 1 (j I § jj u u u H i ia StaTu flf Tu ABDULLA FAZ&LBHOY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, BOMBAY — 1. Radio and Cinema Courses for Matriculates. 1. Radio Service. 2. Wireless Telegraphy. 3. Electrical Wiring. Post Graduate Course. Cinema Projection. Photography. Sound Recording. Cine Photography. Radio Engineering. Candidates are admitted from all parts of India, regardless of caste, creed or sex but to ensure an equitable distribution of trained men, a regional quota system of admission is maintained. In order to ensure admission, an early reservation on the waiting list is hence advised. For prompt reply, write your name, address and province clearly and send annas eight for illustrated booklet to expedite despatch. The New Session Commences on the 10th June. ARVIJVD «. It II ATI., Dipl. Ing. (Charlottenburg). Director. 62