FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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EDUCATING INDIA'S 400 MILLIONS THROUGH MOTION PICTURES Mr. A.J. Patel's Dream Being Realised-NationBuilding Activity With Untold Possibilities To dream dreams of great accomplishment has ever been the prerogative of youth. But it is given to only a few to make these same dreams come true. Hard work, perseverance, ability to get along with people and to seize opportunities are some of the qualities needed to succeed. But if there are additional handicaps in the form of poverty, a predilection for art, and that too in a branch practically unknown to Indians, and then again to wed that art to commercial enterprise, and succeed in same and in that process come out tops in a world sphere — well, that is some accomplishment. This accomplishment has taken place in the person of Mr. Ambalal J. Patel at a comparatively early age. But it is not in this accomplishment that Mr. Patel's pride really lies as this story will tell. Mr. Patel was born in an obscure village in Gujerat, almost lost from civilization. But Bombay drew him like a magnet. In 1924 when Mr. Patel started life in a very hard school his steps gravitated naturally to the camera. So great was his natural ability with the handling of the lens, that combined with his artistic bent, he quickly rose to be a star photographer. From that to a cameraman in the motion picture industry which was then just firmly establishing itself in India, was a natural consequence. As a pictorialist Mr. Patel has won more than 50 international awards. He stood first in the British Empire in the International Photographic Exhibition and was elected Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. Mr. A. J. Patel combines in himself not only artistic genius but also strong commercial ability. He owns the famous Central Camera Company which Different types of enlargers are used according >o the size of negatives and the degree of enlargement required in the Central Studios. Sir Roger Lumley questioning a young villager after a programme presented under the new Village Film Scheme is an institution by itself and the Mecca of camera enthusiasts. Ten years ago, a small developing and printing department was started with the object of giving the amateur specialised service in the photographic and cine line. After years of painstaking work the public has acknowledged the fact that CENTRAL is the true centre of photography and cinematography in India. A single print which costs you an anna passes through machinery costing thousands — so that your negatives may produce the finest pictures we believe possible. Today, CENTRAL comprises, over its five floors, a number of separate departments which are ready to cater to your photographic needs staffed by a complement of 50 highly trained personnel. There are retail shops where you can make a selection from the widest range of still and cine cameras and accessories in the country; Studios for portrait and commercial work; Service Department for repairing your equipment; Production Department for Educational Films; Projection Rooms for viewing films; Publication Department where CAMERA IN THE TROPICS is published. In addition, there is the up-to-date Still Laboratory where all types of work are handled, and an automatic Cine Laboratory which, besides regular cine processing, also undertakes 35 mm. to 16 mm. reduction and Kodachrome duplicating. A world tour in 1939 was a logical consequence of Mr. Patel's widening activities. Already well known as a pictorialist, during his stay in Europe he was accorded receptions at the Agfa and Zeiss factories