FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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Nothing Succeeds Like Success "EK-RAAT" Sets New Standards Of Box Office Collections Karachi Gives The Picture A Terrific Reception — Hyderabad (Dn.) Follows Sait. CRITICS ACCLAIM IT AS A MASTERPIECE Distinguished Citizens Acclaim "EK-RAAT" 8th Popular Week at Karachi. "SCREE'S WORLD" Karachi: Shalimar"s "Ek Raat" continues to fill houses at Karachi and to win bouquets fo:y its producer-director W. Z. Ahmed. Now in 8th week the film has elicited warm tributes from all quarters and enormous popular interest. The performance and personality of Neena is the talk of the town and it is agreed on all hands that producer Ahmed has given to the screen a star of rare brilliance and promise. Rarely has a film won such golden opinions as has "Ek Raat". It has been acclaimed in all the dailies and weeklies from this place while leading citizens have sent their unsolicited appreciation to the producer of the film. For instance, Mr. Syed, Director of Information in Sind, has stated publicly that he has never seen any Indian picture with such excellent and realistic dialogues. This tribute is understandable for the dialogues of "Ek Raat" were written by Salauddin Ahmed, editor of 'Adbi Dunya' and a brilliant literateur of the Punjab. Mr. Hashim Raza, Special Press Advisor to the Sind Government, found the story of "Ek Raat" utterly different from the usual screen stories. ,:The author has taken a daringly original line and has given us a story of the first order", he said. The Executive Engineer of Karachi, Mr. Sheikh, has expressed the opinion that "Ek-Raat's" orchestral and back-ground music has no match and is a feast for the ears. Mr. Feroze Nana, Secretary of the Sind Legislative Assembly, said "Ek Raat" has been brilliantly directed and is a triumph for W. Z. Ahmed. It exhorts one's spontaneous admiration." These opinions have been picked at random out of hundreds that have been received by the distributors of the film. "Ek Raat" has • ed hit the fancy of Karachi folk. "CINE-NEWS" Karachi: The box office barometer marked the "ALL SOLD" limit for "Ek Raat" in only a few moments and repeated the same recording quite a numbar cf times. All this therefore boils down to the fact that in the Shalimar we have an ambitious band of workers who have succeeded in making their very first venture a box office lodestone .... Beginning with its story, we have in "Ek Raat" a very powerful tneme with a number of equally powerful situations. The balancing of climax has been done creditably. "Ek Raat" is a very purposeful story which to no small extent is a representation of the average innocent girl who is, so often, "sold" in the market of matrimony by stubborn parents.... In performance, Neena has amply fulfilled the hopes of her numerous fans by giving easily the best performance of the whole lot ... . In directing "Ek Raat," the twentynine years young Mr. W. Z. Ahmed has put up a strong claim to be ranked among our most promising directors and we cannot dispute his right to a high place among them. In music, "Ek Raat" will secure a high place for snappy tunes and back ground orchestral strains and Mr. S. K. Pal has a reason to think of a bright future for himself. General technique of the picture is gcod "FILM-SHOW Karachi: Shalimar Pictures' "Ek Raat" continues to be applauded by Ka ' rachi cinegoers, at local Plaza I where it is now in the 3rd meritorious we?k. "Ek Raat" is an interesting photoplay, really a praiseworthy attempt of producer-direc | tor W Z. Ahmed who has staked his name and fortune and presented us with a picture which is the talk of the town and will be long | remembered h(y those who have seen it. "Ek Raat" is much better than most of average pictures. Neena as the heroine of the picture has done full justice to her role, which remembering that it is her maiden attempt, is marvellously done. She is more charming than graceful, with poise and stature which is a rarity on our screen. Though the cameraman has been a little unkind to her face at some places, she makes us feel her personality which pervades throughcut the picture. Some of her closeups taken are simply bewitching. The music director deserves compliments for the enchanting background music provided in the picture. Coming to individual performances, K. N. Singh has given the best I have ever seen. He is a smiling villain who also provides comic relief in this picture. His delivery and mannerisms are inimitable. Neena, of course, has done well looking to the fact that it is her first bow before the public. This girl has great talent, charming face and a flair for acting and has great potentialities in her. Prfthviraj has never acted like this before. The director has handled him so cautiously, that he has no chance to overact, certainly a triumph for Director Ahmed. "Ek-Raat" is a very good attempt by Director Ahmed. At some places he has given brilliant touches of direction, and there is no doubt that he will reach the top at no distant date. About Neena the less said, the better. It is a pleasure to see her on the screen (more so in person) and your money's worth will be fully realised when you see her. "Ek Raat" is a picture well worth seeing, at least for the sake of Neena. Under Production: "IMM-KI-llEET" SHALIMAR PICTURES, 22, VINCENT SQUAf.E, DADAR. BOMBAY*