FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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FILMINDIA October 1942 ties of Laxmidas. They do not help the story at all and can well be deleted without the picture suffering in any way. IN HOODOOLAND Then one day Laxmidas and Darling go on an aeroplane trip, but on the way the aeroplane makes a forced landing and drops them in some Hoodoo land where they meet Balam and Kinari and their band of Junglefolks. We are told that in this land ol simple folks, people live in tune with nature and that there is no greed and no starvation. It is a sort of a primitive Utopia. Balam is their Chief, by virtue of his huge size and Kinari is his mate. Here Mehboob makes an attempt to impress us with something unusual but ends by being ridiculousThe scenes in this land prove a cheap attempt to ape some Hollywood Hoodoo pictures. The only intention seems to be to show the bare thighs of Sitara and her dan cer's legs. If Mehboob has counted on this idea as a box-office attraction, I must say that he has failed in it. The entire atmosphere In this Hoodoo land is artificial and unconvincing. The dances of Sitara have no school and with the rhumba music going on, one can not find out whether one is in the Hawaiian wilds or in India. Sheikh Mukhtar looked a Hoodoo Chief in the role of Balam. But that is all. He couldn't act even a wee-bit when later on he had to face some emotional situations. Laxmidas and Darling are well received in this Hoodoo land and well nursed and looked after by Balam and his tribe. We are told that gold had never entered those regicns and because we accept this fact meekly, a lot of gilt-edged philosophy is imposed on us through the conversation between Darling and Kinari. Another disgusting shock we .get in this Hocdooland is the sudden sex-consciousness of Darling who suddenly falls in love with Balam. Though later on we are told that it is because of the higher qualities of his heart etc., yet the early scenes portrayed on the screen suggest a perverted sex-starvation on the side of the girl who subordinates her intellectual demands to the physical hunger. And yet Darling is an educated, streamlined, sophisticated, modern, wealthy girl. One wonders whether she looked upon Balam as a good stud-bull. Somehow Laxmidas and Darling manage to leave that land with thrf pet pair of buffaloes belonging to Balam and Kinari. Massing the buffaloes Balam and Kinari come to the city to recover the animals and get a cold reception frcm Laxmidas. With the arrival of Balam and Kinari to the city a lot of hotchpotch, which only Mehboob could allow, appears on the screen. THE DIRECTOR FAILS After going through numerous BEAUTY TIP! Manufactured by: E. S. PATANWALA. r-OMBAr, 12. 58 Sole Agents: PATANWALA LTD.. ABDUL REHMAN ST., BOMBAY. 3.