FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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ansin and sound West rex e : : MADE UNDER PATENTS Of Western Electric The BEST and WIDELY USED Sound Systems of the Day with America's Most Modern CENTURY PROJECTORS For details please apply to : International Talkie Equipment Company, Phone :20892. 17, New Queen's Road, Bombay. Gram: "SOUNDHEAD." Branch: Mouot told. Madras * Agents: (HAMADIA TALKIE DlSTDIBUTOKS, Madras & Bezwada * Messrs. DESAI & Co.. Lahore & Delhi. * The Sweetest Musical Extravaganza WITH COLOURFUL DANCES AND THRILLING ROMANCE! CIRCO'S Newest 'VANMALA' 3W/«? W MOHAN SINHA who gave you "LAXMI" and featuring MAYA BANERJI WJTH PRAVIN KUMAR (Screen's Neuest Handsome Hero) NEELA of 'TXJLSl' fame, JEEVAN, Gulam Rasool, Badri Prasad Bibi and Butt ALL INDIA PREMIERE On &rd OCTOBER at "VANMALA" NOVELTY 'SWASTJK-IXDJA' LTD. Release Music by: Btdri Prastd ■ Sound Minoo Katrak BOMBAY Distributors : SVVASTIK INDIA LTD., Chowpatty Chambers, Sandhurst Bridge, BOMBAY 7. P hone : 30549