FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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Tete-a-tete With Sadhona Bose* Film Star Who Reads Human Palms ! gaUao Patel Will Qc del ■By: SUSHILA RANI. "You are a very sentimental peron — you will grow more famous s you grow older and in the later [art of your life you will become fery religious," With these final vords, Sadhona Bose lei go Babuao Patel's hand, the end of which he had been reading for so>ne time. "Religious?"' I asked sceptically. "Make sure whether he has been .howing his own palm or whether |t has got a false top.' It was realy stretching the imagination a bit .0 think that our hefty editor would [me day go religious after writing x> irreligiously about men and .hings all these years. "It is the genuine stuff, ' Sadhona assured me, "These big fellows with rough exteriors are really juite soft inside and specially in ;ase cf this big bully hi is relipious m addition." That silenced me because Sndhona s quite an adept in thesa uccult sciences of astrology and palmistry. Her magnetic eyes are really meant for clairvoyance and I can imagine her peering over a crystal and flirting with the fates to yield their secrets of life. In that pose she would make a picture any artist would love to paint. To the rest of India, Bengal han always been a land of magic and mystery. Sadhona Bose is a living 5vidence of this well-mair.tained Delief. There is something charmingly mysterious about Sadhona. In tnose lark eyes of hers, there is that magic spell which demands your respect and affection for this delightful daughter of Bengal and within a moment you feel as if you lave known her all your life. 1 was completely at home with ier — of course as much as 1 could 3e, with the tall Baburao Patel prowling and the well-groomed Bul3ul Desai (Sadhona's director) fencing gracefully with different, stormy situations which Baburan Patel simply must create with his third-degree methods. Incidentally I discovered that rilmindias huge editor is more at home when there are goodlookers around him than otherwise. I began, by asking Sadhona's age and surprisingly enough, she came out quickly with the reply, "20th April 1914". This is the first woman who has told her age in such a record time. Daughter of Sarat Chandra Sen, a well-known barrister of Calcutta. Sadhona is the grandchild of Keshab Chandra Sen. the famous founder of the Brahmo Samaj. Of course, all Sens, even those in distant Suva, claim to belong to this famous family tree and they all swear by Keshab Chandra in times of emotonal stress, but Sadhona Is the real goods having descended directly from the famous reformist. Her characteristic accent in English made me suspicious. It was so different frcm the usual "rossogola'' accent which distinguishes the people of Bengal. On Inquiry I found out that Sadhona had had a regular convent education right upto the Senior Cambridge, when her innate craze for dancing cut in and cut off her interest from future studies. I wonder if she had wanted to be a doctor. With that love and sympathy in those dark eyes of hers she They seem to have taken to mch other like twins. Sadhona Bose welcomes Sushila Rani on the sets of "Paigam", the new picture of Amar Productions, directed by Mr. Surendra Desai 43