FilmIndia (Jan-Nov 1942)

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November 1942 FILMINDI A tion to drink, antiquated social customs like child marriages and unequal marriages." These two leaders have just said what they expect in our films. To quote once again "filmindia's' recent editorial article: "After thirty years of film-making and after being sure that the film industry has come to stay, inspite of keen foreign competition or lack of sympathy from the State, our producers are expected to be progressive in planning their entertainment fare for millions." It is these very millions which count most in my understanding of 'society' and our films must not only give expression to their emotions and aspirations but also must point to other ideals for improvement of their lot. LIFE— A GRIM ART Film artistes in every department must be fired with the single idealism of purposeful production. Life Is a grim art and lends itself to numerous interpretations which could all be ordered to serve the one single purpose of being useful to society. But films cannct be successful if they become mediums ol blatant propaganda. Every film must have entertainment, novelty and imagination and film producers must not forget the basic emotions of mankind since times immemorial. Cosmo Hamilton has said somewhere: "Fashions change and tastes differ, but in the hearts of the theatre-going public there is a longing for romance, for idealism, for the reward of virtue and punishment of vice. Dull lives require a little joy and every man and woman, however small or great, comes to the theatre, to sit on a magic carpel and be wafted to the place which is only seen in the dreams." So we must take note of these day to day changes in fashions and tastes, likes and dislikes of the multitudes of men and women and it will serve none to stick to our old, old ways. If picture-goers are now demanding, along with entertainment films, some newsreels, some travelogues, some anti-crime shorts or some political cr social events of importance in a pictorial form, we must supply them all. We cannot ask them to be content with what we have been giving so far as we must travel with the times. If you look within yourself for a moment and analyse your own mode of life carefully, you will find what havoc Hollywood has played with your own life. Pictures from Hollywood have left their impress on your ways and manners of life in one way or other. Quite unconsciously many of us ape the things which we see on the American screen. Quite unconsciously we allow our thoughts to take the shape which Hollywood wants us to, in our social contacts. Though, in numerous ways, Hollywood has been responsible in shaping the civilization throughout the world for good or for bad and producing the present w HEN making your Diwali purchases do not fail to include a selection of the splendid Toilet articles offered by the Tata Oil Mills Company, Limited. Delicate Toilet soaps, luxurious bath soaps, a variety of hair oils, and brilliantines, shampoo, and shaving soap. You can see them all at any good store ; prices are definitely low compared with other articles of similar quality. THE TATA OIL MILLS Co., Ltd. TATAPURAM O BOMBAY 69