FilmIndia (Jan-Jul 1943)

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June 1943 FILM INDIA limitations of thought. It's a flame that burns, while it warms. And ultimate separation of the beloved is an inherent aspect of it seeing that what burns must destroy one day. In story books and legends we read of eternal love. That is ideal love, as poets would have it, which never takes birth in real life. Nevertheless, love, though it's a temporary phase in human life, provides a warm incentive to human beings to raise themselves to spiritual heights of nobility and sacrifice when the beloved makes a demand. When separation comes, as it ultimately must come, it brings in its wake an agonising ache of memory which while it hurts, strangely enough, also soothes the aching heart. Only in one human emotion, love, is embedded both the ache and the soothe at once. It is for this reason that poets have raved over it through centuries. A human heart that has suffered through love has lived a life-time. A heart that has not been touched at all may be considered as still-born. It is silly to be wise in love. So let us love when we can, fully and completely, and weep and be wretched when the time comes as both the present joys and the future sorrows are but just offerings at the pedestal of love. Rashid Ahmed (Lahore) Who is this fellow S. H. Manto who has been writing stories for the screen? He also specializes in short story writing and broadcasting. The last screen story of his which I remember was called 'Mud'. Young and intelligent, this boy is a bit of a progressive writer who, like all other progressive writers in the country, has also realised that earning money is also a part of progressive writing. Manto is one of the modern preachers with strong lopsided views. He belongs to the tribe of our modern young men, who do not like the way the present world is planned and who want to change things without a plan of their own. The pity is that these fellows who criticise others, even without provocation, do not themselves know what they want. Let us call them 'progressive' writers and be done with them. A. R. Singh (Champion Reefs) Which is the best way to lead a happy life as a bachelor? By living in the shadow of a good-looking neighbour. A. L. Mahendra (Simla) Who is considered to be the best film-music director these days? After the remarkable success of 'Jawab', essentially due to music, Kamal Das Gupta hits you in the eye as the best one in form now.