FilmIndia (Jan-Jul 1943)

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1Y1/1. OIN Ju 1 JriciureS have great pleasure in announcing that their SUNRISE PICTURES initial offering is Which gave you such Qreat Hits as GHHRKI GHARKI LAJ GHAR SANSAR and SHOBHH Whose three Hits DUHAI * NAUKAR A Vibrant Social SATI ANASUYA As Modern as Tomorrow featuring 3U VAnH A LATA ft YP PflO"PYi/\I riitj/Ti tpcl /tew YASHODHARA KATJU JAGDISH SHETHI KAR AN DE WAN announce DIXIT U johmcommG Director ; HARSHADRAI MEHTA rictukes Associate Director. MA-BAAP RAMESH SAIGAL and Contact: SODAGAR Direction; V. M. VY AS MAGNE T / M n VI 1 1 1 1 Contact: PICTURES, SUNRISE PICTURES, Co. SUNRISE PICTURES Lamington Poad, : : B 0(11 BAY Lamington toad,: ; -BOMBAY