FilmIndia (1945)

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J I L M I N D I A Bahadur Jhaveri say that, " Sushila's work is great and good"? I didn't ask him to. Different people have different likes and dislikes but they can't be accused of dishonesty. Where then have I lost my balance of mind ? I think you are being prejudiced and unfair. If Sushila Rani works in "Matwali Mira" are you going to conduct the same type of campaign of glorification of the picture before its conception and completion? Listen, old boy, there is something wrong with your mind. A motion picture is a saleable commodity which needs as much of a sales talk as a match box. If you have to sell something you have to shout about it. Everyone is doing it every day. Why should people object if I do the same ? If I have gold in my house and if I don't shout about it even a thief won't come and steal it. Do you think I should produce a picture quietly and spring it as a surprise on the people ? A motion picture costs several lakhs of rupees and if it is made a family secret who would pay for it ? Besides in Sushila Rani I have some one worthy of all the shouting. She is not working with ten producers like some other girls and it pays me as a producer to give her good publicity. By the way, are you teaching me business ? MURLIDHAR DHADHICH (Bombay) I perfecdy agree with your review of " Ronaq " but somehow I cannot reconcile myself with your slashing criticism of Chandraprabha. She is a nev comer and deserves some encouragement. She is better looking than Snehaprabha and Maya Bannerjee. Who said that Chandra was worse looking than those whom you have mentioned? I merely wrote what Chandra looked like to me and about the big bite she had taken in that dancer's role. My criticism should not discourage her, If she is a wise girl, in future she will bite only as much as she can swallow. A critic is not supposed to take note of new comers or old stagers in criticising a motion picture. His criticism is based on the ultimate result as seen on the screen. Scores of papers maliciously criticised Sushila Rani leaving her screen work in "Draupadi" severely alone. But does that discourage her ? I never criticise persons. I criticise only performances. While writing about Chandra, I forgot that she was a new girl who deserved encouragement. This glaring fact has to be remembered by her producers and not by her critics. Personally, I like Chandra, but how does that help her as an artiste ? Have you any idea of how Durga Khote's " autumn romance" fas described by a paper) with Flight-Lieutenant R:ishid is progressing nowadays ? Why bother about autumn romances with spring round the corner? They have both had plenty of experience of life and they must be getting along pretty well. And if anything does go wrong there is nothing much to weep over. At their age no hearts are broken and no suicides are expected. January, 1945. WAfe « » WAfe Zxltibitote cl SOUND SYSTEMS %onn© g^gfcemin of the &m & Mn\©^ complete %uU&UcU©n pwmpt %er$lee amd gmpplte off all %pme pmtB mBmu© Available from stock complete equipments, all spare parts and Arc lamps for high and low intensity operation. Apply for details and prices to : INTERNATIONAL TMiKIE EquipmENT comPRNy. 17, Neiv Queen's Road, Bombay, 4. Phone : 20892. Gram ; "SOUNDHEAD" Branch 18, MOUNT ROAD. MADRAS. 16