FilmIndia (1945)

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November, 1945 F1LMI NDI A ture that is produced in India is a reflection upon the character and moral traditions of the country and its people." LAHORE. Kr. Surinder Singh LOOKS LIKE "For the last decade we have been seeing the same faces over and over again and we feel it is impossible (so it seems) to replace them. If great statesmen could be 'successfully' replaced, why not these "great actors"? Charlie would do better in a circus, not to mention our friend Ullhas. Chandramohan has lost his fierceness and looks more like a damsel in distress. Motilal is no longer the idol of millions. His face shows signs of weariness so often found on men with one foot in the grave — to say nothing of the 'bald patch on which his future is written.' Is the film industry really exhausted?" PIETERMARITZBURG. Bridglal Pachai. AND MY EXPENSE AND TROUBLE? 'Your success as a film editor and critic has evoked a sincere desire in many film fans to see you and discuss certain important points concerning the film industry. But under present circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the majority of them to undertake the expensive and troublesome journey to Bombay. I would, therefore, request you kindly to make periodical visits to the premier cities of India to make contacts with the lovers of the industry which would, apart from making you and your magazine still more popular, have the healthy influence of educating the fans and making them filmminded. You would also be able to find some new talent worthy of introduction in the film industry." ALLAHABAD. M. A. U. Khan. AND OTHER REVIEWS? "For the first time in my life I read a really good review of an Indian film, in an Indian film magazine, and the honour of that goes to Mr. Baburao Patel for his review of "Humayun" in his issue of July 1945. It was an exquisite review portraying the real feeling of an artist, journalist, scholar and nationalist. He deserves the whole Nation's gratitude and let all the film journals follow his noble lead and not make journalism a hot bed of quislings. "And let the producers of historical also take a note from his review. Let them put an end to the butchering of the Indian history — its glory and its antiquities just for a few thousands of rupees, as they are now doing dangling before us "historical" and "costume" pictures." BANGALORE. Ram Murthy. . MY FUNERAL "I am a cine-goer since a dozen years. Considering with what great strain I see even the selected pictures, I admire your patience in going through all our present-day pictures." BOMBAY. K Shrinivas SHOW FOR FOOLS "What is this 'Pagli Duniya'? Is this an entertainment? The producers say it is for both entertainment and enlightenment! — for whom? — for pagals or children? "What is entertaining or enlightening in the wild frolics of those actors in bizarre clothes frisking and dancing like idiots and uttering some rot and Motilal making himself ridiculous in it? Is there any sense or consistency in the play? "Do the producers presume that the average human mind is so bankrupt in intelligence as to de SJT. p. b. zaveri Q fiappxj Dioali & Ptospetous Tleiv ^jeai to sympathise** and patron* ofi THE ART ADVERTISING BUREAU tenourned and Specialised fiot Stteet Publicity, Posters Painting* etc. in CINE AKTS. THE ART ADVERTISING BUREAU, 293 A. BELLASIS ROAD, BOMBAY 8. 63