FilmIndia (1945)

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December, 1945 F I LMIN'D.I A Why don't you direct a picture in which only women act and call it "Ladies Only"? Years back, Chimanlal Desai (Bulbul's Baba) produced a picture of that name for Sagar. Both men and women avoided it and poor Chimanbhai could not induce even the in-betweens to see the picture. Why do you want me to start on this barren path ? Why does "filmindia" always remind one ol bubbling youth ? Because it is written by a forty-year-old-guy with twenty-five-year-old desires. Have you ever repented for anything in your liie ? Repentance is a process of looking back. I look ahead. When does a woman give a knowing snnle ? When she knows what the other fellow would do. MISS MANI TALWAR (Rawalpindi) Who is more philosophic: man or woman ? A woman's passive attitude is often mistaken for her philosophy. Actually man compromises more often in life, giving his mind a philosophic soothe. A woman rarely compromises and never forgets. Are you ever bored with lile ? Bored ! I am gored to death when I sit through some Indian pictures. What moments in a woman's life afford her supreme happiness ? When her mind escapes into the belief that her man considers her to be the only woman on earth. What do you think of the director who acts in the pictures directed by himself ? I think, he strains his father's mistake a bit too much. When does a husband refer to his married companion as 'wife' and vice-versa ? Ordinarily it is not necessary to do so unless obliging neighbours have helped to confuse the issue. K. P. JAMADAR (Kurla) Do the following stars excite romance : Mchtab, Ratnamala and Nur Jehan ? Oh yes! They sprinkle mother — love all around and young men run for their toys. Who can carry a moon-struck expression better: a boy or a girl ? The boy carries the expression, the girl carries the moon. Who is a better artiste between Nur Jehan and Suvarnalata ? Nur Jeban has a pleasant sparkling personality and acting talent. Suvarnalata acts a bit, but her face leaves a tired feeling in the eye. Do Dcvika Rani and Durga Khote share similar views on men and things ? They seem to be having the same views about how things should be done but where men are concerned it seems that one likes the beard, the other does not. You often sound heathenish in your approach to life. Why ? I am rushing back to pagan virtues, frightened by the barbarism of Christian hypocrisy. Don't forget that our present-day Christian virtues need the blood of millions to thrive. K. SUBRAMANIAIVT (Matunga) How did Mchboob take the public 'reception' given to his much-boosted "Humayun"? With a pinch of salt, I guess. S. R. RAMAN (Tellicherry) Why can't the saying, "Old is gold", be applied to' the old stars of our film industry ? In the films, old is not sold. We want glamourgoods, not junk. Who has more charms: Gecta Ni/ami or Mumtaz Shanti ? Mumtaz is more womanly. Is it possible for a man, having a big family to support, to sacrifice everything like the hero of "Hamrahi"? I didn't see the hero of "Hamrahi'' sacrificing took his girl with him. What did he sacrifice? Whilst going away, he left the poor behind and anything. He didn't have anything to sacrifice. Which appeals to you more: natural beauty or Mix r actor beauty ? At 200 yards, Max Factor remains a miracle xnan. Within a yard, Nature must be given a chance. 10 CASH PRIZES FOR 10 QUESTIONS The proprietors of "filmindia" will award every month 10 cash prizes to the readers whose questions are considered interesting or elicit interesting replies in the "Edtior's Mail ". The Editor's decision shall be absolutely final in awarding the prizes as follows:_lst Prize Rs. 25|-, 2nd Prize Rs. 20|-, 3rd Prize Rs. 15 -, 4th Prize Rs. 10r, and 6 consolation prizes of Rs. 5| each. The names of the pnze-winners will be announced every month in "filmindia", and the amounts will be remitted to them by Money Order. No cones pondence will be entertained. PRIZE WINNERS FOR DECEMBER 1st Prize Rs. .25J to Miss Sita .Paranjpe (Junnar); 2„d Prize R, 20 . to Miss Meera Joshi Bhl'Iwfi. Pl*iZe RS 1S|" to Miss »"'ari BhaUa (Lahore); 4th Prize Rs. 10 to Mrs. Veer bala Bisarya (Bhopal); and 6 consolation prizes B M VnH^ J0 M AbdUl Rashitl (Bangalore); B M. Zah.ruddin (Andersonpet) . MissBimla Chaturvedt (Delhi); Prithi Paul Singh (Lahore, SR. Raman (Tellicherry) j Hiikam (Hand Gupta (New Delhi); Money Orders arc being sent to ail (he prize winners ' 31