FilmIndia (1948)

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FILMINDIA Neelam doesn't want Mumtaz Shanti to be so desperate in "Padmini", a social story produced by Walli Saheb. no amount of street howling is going to bring them together. Every unity slogan brings to mind thousands of innocent deaths. Time alone must heal these wounds and you can't rush Time by street carnivals, however well-meant. In the din of revenge even Gandhiji's powerful sermons are not heard. Who would then listen to the hoarse throats of Prithvi and Abbas shouting meaningless slogans? MRS. NIRMAL (Mercara) Can death be more painful than life? Death has an undying reputation for relieving pain. It is life that is painful and death is the supreme balm of all pain. Md. AMEENUDDIN (Madras) Do you think the U. N. O. will succeed where the League of Nations failed in maintaining peace and security in the world? The U. N. 0. is a circus where different tfou'ns perform by mocking at one another. It is an expensive entertainment, though. If men marry because they are tired of flirting and women because they arc curious, then why are they both disappointed in tlie end? After courting and curiosity come the baby and the bania — one crying for milk, the other crying for his bill. If you are offered a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of poison at the same time, how will you distinguish the one from the other? To m.e both are poison. The need of distinguishing therefore, does not arise. 34 January, 1948 ' YUSUFALI JAFFER (Bombay) Well, Mr. Patel, how can we Muslims of India, I prove our loyalty towards the Indian Dominion? Can you suggest us any method or plan? You need not prove your loyalty for something which belongs to you as much as to the others. Isn't it enough that you are a part \\ and parcel of India as you have been for cen j furies? Forget politics ami do your day's work ji just as you did long before Jinnah and his f gangsters came on the scene to break tip our family. C. A. MENON (Kallai) Recently many of our directors and stars visit I I ed Hollywood and England. Have these people brought anv useful things or was it a mere holiday \ trip? A holiday overseas is the best way to spend surplus earnings. Some of them have brought back post cards and American toys. NARENDRA KUMAR (Lucknow) Is Gandhiji's policy of non-violence suited to I our age? If not, why? Because this is an age of brutes who have made strength an instrument of greed and am I bition. M. P. CHIMA (Mercara) If the British troops quit Bangalore what will be the fate of Anglo-Indian ladies? They will still have 400 million Indians. The Tommies needn't worry, the ladies won't be lonely. SATYA PRAKASH (Saugor) What is the significance of a Gandhi cap? A featherweight cap which puts no weight or responsibility on . the head wearing it. 1 ARJAN K. JHUREMALANI (Bombay) What time is more suitable for committing sui I cide if life has ceased to be interesting? Death is not fastidious. Any time is good time for this old-fashioned escape. MISS MAHBOOBA (Masulipatam) What happens when a young lady understands a young man? He holds the baby and she goes marketing. MISS NIRMALA G. A. (Bombay) Women accept their destiny more readily than' men. Why? /// the heat of his ambition. Man presumes to compete with God while the woman prays to save the man from himself. In accepting man as her mate, the woman hands over her life to destiny. KUMAR GHOSH (Lucknow) Justify your act of keeping five dogs in these! days of scarcity?