FilmIndia (1948)

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January, 1948 FILM INDIA In this wide world one should at least have five loyal friends at whom you don't have to look suspiciously every day. They are cheaper than men. What is a kiss without heavenly bliss? Without heaven in it, it may prove an introduction to pyorrhoea. NAM H. DASWANI (Bombay) Why docs an Indian woman pardon all the shortcomings of her husband? Partly because she is (aught to look upon him as a god and partly because she has no existence in the world outside her home. H. S. VENKATA RAO (Mysore) How do our film stars react when they see an American picture? They feel like flying to Hollywood on the wings of imagination and teaching the Gables and the Gcrbos a bit of Indian acting but alas — . What is the earthly use of these present-day University degrees? They are very useful if you know how to cash them. That is one secret the colleges don't teach — cashing them. DHIRENDRA KISHORE JHA (Patna) Which is more humiliating to our society: prostitution or destitution? Destitution is the parent of prostitution. What pleasure do people derive from flattery? Ask Sardar Chamhdal Shah of Rcnjit. They have fed him so much with sweet icords that the poor fellow is now suffering from diabetes. Why do the power-loving men want to be surrounded by mediocre people? Power needs a halo which poor fish provide. AELREI) MAMFHJ (Cochin) What is meant by winking? Flicking the lids to get rid of the desire in the eye. MISS LILA NATHIRMAL DASWANI (Bombay | Whqt is the climax of love and what is its anticlimax? Honeymoon is the one end and the cradle is the other. S. RAMA RAO (Saidapet) How many of our film directors are research students in Indian history? They are historians who rub off the past and write their own new history. According to them Maharana Pratap rode an oversized goat and not a charger. R PAUL PURUSHOTHAM (Secunderabad Dn ) Are there any film actors and actresses who take part in politics?. If shouting meaningless slogans in a street carnival is politics then <ptitc a few of our artistes became hoarse politicians recently. Even Veera, the Parsi, shouted 'politics' on that day. MISS ELIZABETH M. R. (Poona) Is bad company the worst misfortune. of man? A bad woman is the most heartrending misfortune in a man's life. She eats his vitals and drinks his blood. MISS USHA (Secunderabad) Why is Jinnah so lean and thin? Do you expect a man like that to be fat and happy/ KUSIM KHANDEKAR (Nagpur) Some socialists say that Gandhiji and Jay a Prakash give us the same food but in different dishes. Do you agree? Doti't talk of Jaya Prakash with the same breath as Gandhiji. There is a millennium between the two men. Rs 500/ IN 25 PRIZES EVERY MONTH The following prizes are awarded every month for questions which are considered interesting or elicit interesting replies in the "Editor's Mail''. 1st Prize: Rs. 100; 2nd Prize: Rs. 80|3rd Prize: Rs. 50 -; 4th Prize: Rs. 40|-; 5th Prize: Rs. 30, and 20 Consolation Prizes of Rs. 10|each. A reader can ask as many questions as he likes. Questions should be neatly written or typed if possible. Unless the letters are signed, they won't be considered. In awarding prizes the Editor's decision shall be final and absolutely binding and nocorrespondence will be entertained. The names of the prize-winners will be announced in "filmindia" every month and the prize money will be remitted by Money Order. PRIZE WINNERS FOR JANUARY 1st Prize: Rs. 100. to G. A. Modak (Hassan) ; 2nd Prize Rs. 80r to Miss Saroj N. Hazari (Bombay); 3rd Prize Rs. 50( to A. N. Narayana Rao (Mysore); 4th Prize Rs. 40 to F. J. A. Somjee (Bombay): 5th Prize Rs. 30 to Jagdish P. Salamgaria (Naini Tal) and 20 consolation prizes of Rs. 10 each to the following: _ Mrs. Rabiunissa Begum (Madras); C. S. N. Murthy (Bangalore); Mrs. S. A. Pandit (Dharwar.i; Asin Kumar Ghosh (Salkia, Howrah) ; B. Kantha Rao (Waltain; Rasiklal Harilal Doshi (Bombay); K. G. Mathur (Meerut); H. C. Kumar (Mussoorie); S. Narayan Sane (Poona); Narain S. Sawant (Bombay); Miss Faiz Jehan (Madras); Prithi Paul Singh (Simla); Irian Ahmed • Lucknow); K. K. Gopal Rao (Mysore); S P Vasudev Rao (Bangalore); Vasudev G. Dayalani •Bangalore); Mahesh (Cawnporer Pradeep L Tanna iKandivili); Kumar Ghosh (Lucknow) and Marris Nelson (Agra). Money Orders are being sent to all the prize winners 35