FilmIndia (1948)

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January, 1948 FILM INDIA if the house leaving Prem behind ,vith Surajnath. THE MAN HUNT Chandrani is now in search of Tarachand to establish her character. It is a new technique to call the culprit who first seduced her to come and certify her character before the elders. Any way Chajidrani arrives in a Himalayan tract, where autumn lovers usually go for their umpteenth honeymoon, and snifing the snow like a sheep dog she #ts hold of Tarachand with all :he possible film coincidences be'oming so many milestones of the nan hunt. Tarachand limps back to the city, confesses his sins before Chacha and in doing so gives Chandrani, the much needed cer:ificate of character to enter her msband's home. We arc now taken to Chandrani's well-timed death in which «he makes all final arrangements, isks her husband to sing a song ind to its tune she closes her eyes. \ beautiful death it is which takes i\\ the tragedy out of the drama \nd all the money out of the boxiffice. WRONG SETS The production values of the picture are erratic throughout. Russi Banker should learn a bit of the basic art of architecture, especially its fundamental principle of weight distribution in proportion to the number, size and shape of pillars. His ignorance in this respect has lent too many unnecessary and clumsy pillars to the concert hall set where Surajnath recites a poem, while its entrance door screamed with its shabby and ill-fitting design. The dialogue of the picture is quite good. The songs, however, are not popularly tuned nor attractively composed. The screenplay is poor and Sohrab's direction is erratic. The story fails to entertain because of poor development and direction. BABY TABASSUM From the players, Khursheed, who plays Chandrani, has been rather carefully photographed but still she looks old enough to retire and gives us her familiar acting gestures. Surendra sings the last song well in the role of Surajnath and looks sufficiently moonstruck for a poet. His mannerisms, however, maintain Ins traditions in acting. Sadiq Ali plays better as a vil Money is an important factor of domestic happiness. Here is Kamla Kotnis giving it away to Shahu Modak in Prabhat's 'Seedha Rasta", a romantic social story. lain than as a hero. He does well as Tarachand. Baby Tabassum gives a darling performance as the little daughter. This little girl is smart and precocious and bonny in addition. She sustains audience interest by her witty whys. Well, "Majhdhar" has nothing much to shout about. At best it is a boring picture which people may not like because of its flimsy beginning. It is a risk to an exhibitor to book this one with a minimum guarantee. *J WHETHER You part your hair at -ide or centre, plait it down or braid and coil it, or mass it in fullmoon outline — whatever your hair style, abundant and beautiful hair is your first and all important necessity, Kesavardhini makes fine coiffures now possible by growing abundant beautiful hair. Beauty may be a gilt of the Gods, but hair beauty you can now cultivate and obtain with Kesavardhini. Lay the foundation of your hair, health and beauty in youth — with Kesavardhini. There is no hair so neglected or middle-aged that it does not improve under its kindly influence. Choose Now and Ensure Beautiful Hair ! S! IB PRESERVES, GROWS AND BEAUTIFIES HAIR Kesavardhini ... ... As. 12 Kesavardhini Shampoo ... As. 12 Postage and packing extra From most dealers or direct from SOUTH INDIA CHEMICALS COIMBATORE 55