FilmIndia (1948)

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January, 1948 It seems to be a school girl and school teacher affair between Shashikala and Sohan'al in "School Girl", a social story of Lokmanya Productions. sued the Universal Pictures and the Fairbanks Company for $250,000 (just a little over 8 lakhs of rupees) as damages for billing her second to Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in "The Exile". Federal judge O'Connor issued r restraining order preventing the defendants from further advertising Maria Montez as second to Fairbanks. NATIONAL FLAG Shillong, Nov. 20. The Government of Assam have wohibited the hoisting of the National Flag by private individuals except on special occasions if national festivity. The press note explains that ;he National Flag is the emblem vhich is used in all countries by special representatives of the aovernmcnt possessing authority ind since it signifies authority, no )ne without this privilege is alowed to fly the Flag on motor 'ehicles or on house tops. But what about its misuse in unemas? Are the cinema ownrs "special representatives of the government possessing authoity"? ANOTHER CHANCE ! Hollywood, Nov. 24. Film actress Ida Lupino announced her engagement to Mr. Collier Young, an official of Warner Brothers. Young's divorce from his present wife will be final next April while Britishborn Ida has been free from her previous husband, Louis Hayward, for a long time now. STALIN'S ORDERS Moscow, Nov. 27. Moscow's 100-year-old Melyl Theatre has been renovated at a total cost of 23,000.000 roubles. Work was held tip during the war but it was resumed under Stalin's personal orders immediately the war ended. The Melyl seats 1000 people and has one of the best stages in the country. It has a three terrace revolving stage and 55 stage cranes, each capable of raising stage scenery weighing half a ton. We have no Stalin to renovate our theatres. CALLING THE BLUFF ! Bombay, Nov. 4. The Government of India have decided to revive production of FILM INDIA information films under the aegis of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. According to Mr. G. S. Bhalja, the Secretary of the Ministry, the Government intend to set up a model organization with the bect available Indian talent to produce documentary r.nd instructional films to enlighten public opinion and inform the public of Government's activities and plans. Private enterprise would be given an opportunity to supplement Government production and this would be done by inviting, through tenders, proposals from the trade. The Government hope thp.t this procedure will give a fair and equitable chance to all concerned to show what they can do. But can they do much? They can only wait in deputations and shout in protest. ATOM EDUCATION London, Dec. 9. The first "atom film" for voung students was shown in London today. It is an outstanding film because not once does it mention or refer to the atom bomb. The 61 m runs about 30 minutes and is named "Atomic Phvsics" and is intended for students of 15 years and over. The film was special'v produced with the collaboration of scientists primarily responsible for the development of the etomic energy. The "actors" include some of the best known atom scientists including Professor John Cockcroft, Director of the Atomic Research Station at Didcot and his immediate assistant, Dr. O. R. Frisch. Another "star" is Einstein who delivers a statement on relativity. MEHBOOB AND PAKISTAN Karachi, Nov. 28. Producer-director Mehboob ia doing his bit for Pakistan to make it a bit easier for the new Islamic state to feed its refugees. Mehboob gave today a day's complete collections of his latest picture "Elan", running at Imperial Cinema in Karachi, to the Pakistan Refugee Relief Fund. ._ . i 59