FilmIndia (1948)

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AT HOME AND ABROAD TRIBUTES FUNERAL FILM IN COLOURS BOMBAY, Feb. 5. A documentary film of Mahatma Gandhi's funeral taken by an American journalist and processed in technicolour has been flown to the United States for public exhibition. This, incidentally is the first documentary film on Mahatma Gandhi so far presented on the screen. INDUSTRY'S MEMORIAL FUND BOMBAY, Feb. 18. The executives of all the associations of the film industry, namely, Motion Picture Society of India, Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association, Indian Motion Picture Distributors' Association and the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association of India, decided to start a fund for a fitting memorial to Mahatma Gandhi by the film industry at a joint meeting specially called for the purpose. As an initial contribution it was decided to earmark all the net proceeds from the exploitation of the short film :'Bapu ki Antim Yatra" which is being distributed in the Dominion of India by the IMPPA through Messrs. Western India Theatres, Ltd., for the industry's Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Fund. This short film has been produced jointly by Messrs. Motwane Ltd., Bombay and the Eastern Movies Delhi and the songs in the film have been included by cotirtsey of the All India Radio. S. I. FILM TRADE'S HOMAGE MADRAS, Feb. 8. A meeting of the members of the Motion Picture Trade was held on Saturday, February 7 in the premises of the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce, 19, Woods Road, Madras, to pay homage to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi. B.M.P.A's MOURNING CALCUTTA, Feb. 3. A meeting of the Bengal Motion Pictures Association, held here yesterday under the chairmanship of Sri Birendra Nath Sircar, a resolution was passed condemning in strong terms the dastardly fatal attack on the life of Mahatma Gandhi. FILMING GANDHIJI'S LIFE LONDON, Feb. 14. A short documentary film on the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi will be produced within the next few months by the East-West Film Production Company of London, according to the "United Press of India." In order to collect material for the film, Mr. Vishnu Sen, one of the producers of the company and the only Indian working as a film producer in England flew to India today. Mr. Sen has just signed a contract with one of the biggest American film distributing companies to supply four Indian films. For some months past he has been doing the preliminary work for a film dealing with Gandhiji's struggle for nonviolence and has been in correspondence with Mr. Devdas Gandhi, Gandhiji's youngest son. He now feels, however, that he must contact many people in India before he can fully embark on the documentary film. CINEMA IN THE AIR PRAGUE, Feb. 11 Passengers on Czechoslovak ai , line planes will soon be able tfjl enjoy sound films during flight. The first passenger plane m now being equipped with a cinemf I projector made of special ligh material. The screen will be fixed' between the cabin and the pilot's cockpit. UDAY SHANKAR'S PLAN CALCUTTA, Feb. 10. During his visit to Calcutta irj connection with the release oil "Kalpana", Uday Shankar, tin I world famous dancer gave an in-l terview to a gathering of press rel presentatives during which lit discussed with them the question of starting a National Theatn under the auspices of the National Government. He proposes to meci Prime Minister Pandit Jawahai ■ j lal Nehru at Delhi and submit ; J comprehensive scheme to him. "CHILD STAR" GETS A CHILD SANTA MONICA, Jan. 31. The darling of the world's millions as the child star of the screer a few years ago, Shirley Templi who is now 19 and married to : young man called John Aga gave birth to a daughter whi Kamini Kaushal is .apparentl worried about something goin wrong in "Do Bhai" a Filmistai picture booked for release a Novelty. 62