FilmIndia (1948)

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, April, 1948 FILMINDIA ;eriously, when a fire broke out at Tanleo last night partly destroyng the ground floor of a building. The fire originated from a loft n the ground floor of the building where film had been stored, eportedly without authority. Fire 'ngines were rushed to the place ind the fire brought under conrol but not before damage estinated at Rs. 4000| had been aused. The film was stored on the loft vhere some people were residing .nd they were taken unawares irhen they suddenly found themelves inside a conflagration. END OF DISPUTE London, March 21. Britain and Hollywood today nded their seven months' dead)ck over the imporl of American ilms, announced Mr. Harold Vilson, President of the Board of "rade. in the House of Commons oday when he reported that an greement had been reached with lie Motion Picture Association of .merica providing that the 75% ax imposed on American films 1st August be withdrawn as soon s the necessary order can be lade. Under the new agreement. 17 lillion dollars a year has been xed for the remittance during le first two years of earnings in Britain from the showing of American films, said Mr. Wilson. PLASTIC INDUSTRY FILMED Bombay, March 18. Three technical films — "The Story of Formica". "Operation Tynemouth" and "The Story of Tenite" — depicting the manufacture of industrial and decorative plastics from raw material to various finished products and their application, were recently shown to Bombay engineers and industrialists by local representatives of a Calcutta firm. The commentary was given by Mr. P. Gordon-Fischel of London. FILMISTAN AND SANTOSHI Bombay. March 1"). On an application by Messrs. Filmistan Ltd.. the Bombay High Court granted on the 2nd March an interim injunction restraining Mr. P. L. Santoshi, from working for any other concern until March 19, when Filmistan's case for the enforcement of the contract will come up for hearing. It is now understood, however, that the High Court have made the injunction absolute and orders have been served on Mr. Santoshi not to work in any capacity with any other concern until the expiration of his term of contract with the Filmistan Ltd.. which holds good till June 1949. CRICKET THROUGH FILM London, Feb. 26. With the definite object of instructing the generation in how to play cricket an instructional film called "How to Play Cricket" has been made and is available to schools, institutes and club. Stars of the film are W. J. Edrich, England and Middlesex, T. G. Evans, England and Kent Wicket-keeper, and Sims, England and Middlesex spin bowler. It is the only film of its kind produced in recent years and covers all aspects of the game batting, bowling, fielding, setting of the field and wicket-keeping. CHANDULAL FOR GENEVA Bombay, March 19. Mr. Chandulal Shah of the Ranjit Movietone who was appointed by the Government of India as a delegate to the International Conference on Freedom of Information flew this morning, along with other delegates and Miss Gohar of the Ranjit Movielone (who accompanied her business partner as his official secretary) for Geneva where the con Mr. Chandulal J. Shah, snapped at the aerodrome when he left for Geneva as a member of the Indian Delegation to the International Conference on Freedom of Information. 5?