FilmIndia (1948)

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Maj 1948 FILMINDI A Moral or immoral grounds, Britain is getting out officially because India is not giving Britain free board and lodging any more. If our present Socialist party promises us free ,ows in their regime, would you be kind enough to iote for them? Socialists can't afford to give us free shows except their own exhibitions for which also they want us to pay. IISS GOUROO KUSHALPA (Mercara) How does a beautiful scenery affect you? / feel the presence of God near me. . R. INDURKAR (Indore) Do you believe that fortune is a lazy goddess? And blind and unreasonable. A dead person is always praised for his deeds ,,nc in the past. Why not a living one? The living one is also praised by epithets of jealousy. It is found that you are in the habit of changng your opinion ;>.s and when necessary? That's right. The human mind must progress as it discovers new knowledge. How can I be static? I change from minute to minute. i. N. SRINIVASAN (Mysore) What are the qualities of a good politician? N'ame a good politician who was once a film actor. Wait another ten years. Prithviraj is now in the crucible and has already begun talking Suraiya is the leading lady of Ratan Pictures' maiden social "Kajal" directed by M. Sadiq. nonsense and giving us a headache. He likes his own voice and I like his perseverance. RAM DULARI DEVI (Dumka) Define opportunists? The new official recruits to the present nationalism and khaddar. What has made the film industry one of the most profitable businesses in the world? The nurhber of idiots that crowd the world. V. K. FAZLUR RAHMAN (Bangalore) Why is Tara Singh known as 'Master'? Must have been a school master, station master or a post master. He looks like some master. NARAIN SAWANT (Bombay) What is the future of the film industry in Pakistan? It has no future unless India agrees to release pictures produced in Pakistan. Why hasn't Jayashree acted in her husband's latest picture, "Jeevan Yatra"? Probably because Yaqub was acting the hero. Why are our leaders fond of accepting invitations for numerous public functions? // is the newscamera that plays havoc with vanity of our leaders. A friend of mine after going through your leader. "Democracy or Moonshine", told me that you are fast becoming a communist! Is it correct? / see no other alternative if the present game of favouritism end nepotism continues. Why aren't Muslim producers inviting the Qr.aid-i-Azam to do the opening ceremony of their pictures? The Muslim producers didn't get a dog's chance to see the Quaid-i-Azam's shadow, though they waited four weeks outside his house in Karachi. Nowadays it is quite in fashion to invite the Prime Minister or the Governor Genera] to do the opening ceremonies of pictures What is your opinion about it? These turned up noses at least know that India also produces motion pictures in addition to politicians. Is kissing a vice? Why is it not introduced on the Indian screen? Our sound recording is not perfected yet. With our present technical knowledge a kiss wUl sound like an aeroplane crash. Besides our Congress ministers have been in jail too long to remember their early thrills of a kiss. A kiss is therefore banned as a social reform — only from the screen. S. A. KAZEMI (Calcutta) At present which is the most civilized nation in the world? 31