FilmIndia (1948)

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ine, 1948 FILMINDIA Ihy? Because they are afraid I take risk. Uday Shanker has Ine it and his "Kalpana" will be jmembered for a long time for its laple story of every day life and I artistic values. rThis picture is so real and Btistic that it needs no comhnts, but it would not be out of pee if I say that I could not llow like many others, the brilj nt dances performed by Uday Id his equally talented wife. It liuld have been much better for le producers to publish a pamlilet explaining the significance ■ each dance. This would have keatly helped the spectators to lllow the dances and through lem the picture itself. I hope [at Uday Shanker will promptly Upond to the request of millions I his admirers." JEW DELHI. K. N. Raizada. 1XPLOITING THE TRICOLOUR! ["Flag of a Nation is the sym[il of its power and prestige and I it is in our case too. The Tri[lour (as adopted by C. A.) is le 'Chihna' of our honour. As ich, in no case should it be cx[oited as a means to extract loney. But, alas, this is not so. ["Lately, added to the black list I such exploiters are some of our [m magnates who, as a class, le already notorious for the lack I scruples where money is the lal (as money seems to consti|te the supreme creed of their le). They arc pushing our flag Yo the films ("Sajan" for cxam|e) without rhyme or reason, only [ trade upon the sentiments of illions of our people. Nowhere [ve I seen the Union Jack, or p that matter, flag of any other [tion, used for such obnoxious ■rposes. And, in the face of it, bw belittling does it look, this lading of our National Flag, the nbodiment of our Nationhood! ''It is painfully degrading to e the depths to which our direcbre and producers have sunk. Ihey have forgotten that screen I supposed to uphold high and Ifty the banner of a Nation. It I high time they are told not to rifle with this emblem of our Imour." EW DELHI. Ratan Chand Jain. "NATIONAL ANTHEM" "When I had the opportunity of going through the book on "India Divided" by Rajendra Prasad, it is pointed out by Mr. Durani that "Bande Mataram" the national song of our dominion, has a symbol of the restoration of Hindu Sovereignty and hatred of Muslims. I wonder now why India which denies itself to be Hindu Raj should stick to "Bande Mataram" as its National song which annihilates the different ZENITH DISCRIMINATING MEN Each Zenith watch is a worthy example of the finest craftsmanship ; slim and elegant, with unquestioned accuracy day in and day out. Businessmen and sportsmen prefer Zenith, for here is the watch of renowned reliability yet moderate in price. TOR THE SPORTSMAN on leftNo. 1364 Sporto ' — shock proof and protected against dust Chrome plated case with steel back — luminous figures and hands. Rs. 147/-. FOR THE BUSINESSMAN on rightNo. 1234 distinguished model with chrome plated case and steel back. Ra. 171. Similar models to No 1234 with various styles of non luminous dials and small second hand, Ra. 170 and Rs. 171. With •weep second hand Ra. 180 and Ra. 184. FAVRE LEUBA FAVRE • LEUBA & COMPANY LIMITED BOMBAY & CALCUTTA 65