FilmIndia (1948)

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SUBSCRIPTION RATES The annual subscription, for 12 issues of "filmindia", from any month is : INLAND FOREIGN: Rs. 24/. Shillings 507 Subscriptlon Is accepted only for a collective period of 12 months and not for a smaller period. Subscription money should be remitted only by Money Order or by Postal Order but not by cheques. V. P. P.s will not be sent. filmindia PROPRI ETORS FILMINDIA PUBLICATIONS LTD SS, SIR PHIROZESHAH MEHTA ROAD, FORT, BOMBAY. Telephone . 26752 Editor: BABURAO PATEL Vol. XIV. AUGUST 1948 No. 8. ADVERTISEMENT RATES: The advertisement rates are as follows : Per Insertion Full Page Inside Rs. Half Page Inside Rs. s Page inside Rs. * Page Inside Rs. 2nd & 3rd Cover Rs. 4th Cover Rs. 1st Cover Rs. 400 210 120 ISO 500 600 1,000 The cost of the advertisement should be submitted in advance with the order. The advertisement will be subject to the terms and conditions of our usual contract. ■0 fltomtie -find -@ U/atniny Let Bhavnani And Badami Remember The Country— And FILMINDIA-Is Watching Them ! As we go to press, we are reliably informed that r all. Mohan Bhavnani and Sarvottam Badami have appointed Deputy Controllers of the Film Division he Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in rge of Documentaries and Newsreels, respectively, views about such appointments should by now be -known to the Government as well as to these two tlemen concerned. Our last month's editorial stated arguments against these appointments categorically clearly. We understand that serious note was taken of thai orial in high places and at one moment it appeared as a result of what we had written the Government to entirely reconsider not only the wisdom of malethesc appointments but the whole plan of the Film ision. Later, however. Governmental prestige stood he wav and the appointments were made. But — and is where FILMINDIA criticism scored — the appointits were made for a temporary probation period of year lor is it only six months?) after which they lid be confirmed only IF the record of the incumbents ood enouph for that. Which just shows that even the /ernment has not full faith in these selections. And so Bhavnani and Badami are on trial their firmation depends upon the results that they can show ing their probationary period. The Government will vatching them. More than that, the country, the film stry— and FILMINDIA will be watching them and work. As we said last month, we have no prejudice again>t two personal I v. We regard them as unsuitable for important appointments. Still, now that the aptments have been made, we wish them well. Let , by the quality of the work that they produce, Besot only the confirmation of their jobs but also the dwill and the congratulations of the people who. all. are their real paymasters, as it is out of the that we pay that they will get the enormous unts to spend on documentaries and newsreels. Let , by their work, prove that we were wrong in our icism of their appointments. And we will be only too to acknowledge we were wrong. But let them remember we w ill be watching them. VI e never bothered to review or even see the documentaries and newsreels produced during the previous regime, for we knew that mostly it was all imperialist propaganda. But now we will be carefully scrutinising even newsreel made by Badami. every documentary turned out by Bhavnani. And we shall judge each reel by one and one -tandard alone. Does it rellect the life of the people and serve the interests of the people? Does it tell the truth about our country? Does it help our people to secure a better life? Good luck to you. Bha\nani and Badami. We'll be seeing you soon on the screen! That is a promise — and a n aming! 7tom Macaulatj "To Mat ion 'Pix F\erv educationist and sociologist in India is agreed about the irreparable damage done to our country by the clerk-producing educational policy which was initiated by Lord Macaulay and pursued relentlessly by his successors. Basicallv and fundamentally, our schools and colleges and universities have been engaged in producing not good and upright citizens but clerks — servile, spineless clerks. One expected that, under a national Government, all that will change and that, after a century and a half, we Indians will at last be able to formulate our educational policy and programme, in accordance with our ideas, uninfluenced by foreigners. But it appears that once again the Trojan Horse of the foreigners is being allowed access to our vital and strategic front — the education front! The Government of India's Fducation Ministry, we were glad to learn, has at last realised the importance of visual education in which naturally films play the most vital part. It is something to enthuse over that after ten years of our crying ourselves hoarse on this subject, after one or two years of some provincial governments taking up this matter, the great Government of India too has awakened to realise the importance of educational films and other aids to visual education. And so the first meet