FilmIndia (1948)

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FILM INDIA October, 19 concern contributes very greatly to the general stability of the indigenous industry. Seen in this context, Chuni Lall s enterprising piloting of two concerns to success within a decade must be considered as an outstanding contribution to the economic structure of our film industry. Apart from this signal achievement, his eloquent advocacy of the multiple grievances of the industry, combined with nis personal punctuality and flair for discipline and organization, commends him as a trustworthy pillar of our industry in its ever-precarious future. Let us hope Chuni Lall finds some time to grapple with the new menace of foreign pictures dubbed in Hindustani. It is a problem worthy of his mettle. AN APPEAL FOR INQUIRY A report from Lucknow says that the Government of the United Provinces have issued orders to the district supply officers of Lucknow and Cawnpore to institute an immediate inquiry into the construction of several cinema houses in the cities of Lucknow and Cawnpore. In Lucknow the proprietors of "Novelty", "Basant" "Ratan" and "Minerva" which are ready and of "Jai Hind*', "Manorama" and another, which are still under construction, have been ordered to inform the authorities of the sources through which they received cement and iron for the construction of these buildings. They have been further ordered to declare the stocks of cement and other essential building material still in their possession. The authorities have also taken possession of all papers relating to the construction of these cinema houses. In Cawnpore the local police have also taken similar steps and attached all the documents and vouchers relating to the construction of the new cinemas in their town. Similar drastic action has also been ordered by Dr. B. C. Roy, Premier of Bengal with regard to the eighteen new cinemas recently constructed in Calcutta. It is stated that if it is found that building materials were procured by illegal means (which is obvious seeing that stocks were not permitted by the official controllers), the Government will launch legal proceedings against such cinema owners. This action is being taken in pursuance of the decision of the Central Government to stop construction of cinema houses and luxury buildings and inquire into the illegal procurement of building materials. In Bombay, we have already pointed out two glaring instances of K. M. Modi's New Empire Cinema and Mann Subedar's Liberty Cinema (under construction) and the West End Hotel (already completed). Quite a few more cinema houses have sprung up recently in the city, some of them being: "Neptune" at Bandra, "Lido" at Juhu. "Kismet" at Cadell Road etc. One wonders what the Government of Bombay are going to do about all these. For correct emphasis on democracy all these cases must be thoroughly investigated by the Government of Bombay and the public doubts about the legality of these constructions should be set at rest. To quote another instance there is a big palati building under construction at present in Oomer Pai Warden Road. Over 200 labourers are working on tl job with a sufficient supply of iron bars and cement 1 ing about. Another luxury building is threatened near in the near future. It is really a mystery of mysteries how all these pe pie can get so much of cement, steel, bricks and oth building materials when even the government is shouti that they are short of these materials. And in the face of all these constructions, how c our popular ministers still repeat all their oft-heard so citude for providing housing accommodation to the po and needy ! If we are to continue to believe in the fair play a honesty of the Bombay Government, we would like th to take some drastic steps in the cases reported above just as the Bengal and U. P. Governments are doing present. The Government of Bombay must not give our p pie an impression that there is one law for Peter a another for Paul. The way these Manus and Modis escaping even an official inquiry, this unfortunate o elusion w ould become inevitable. YOU'LL HARDLY RELIEVE — That Shobhana Samarth is reported to have h another "painless delivery'" with Hubby Kumar Sen 1 ing in his ancestral home these days. That man \^oi give anyone a pain in the neck with his flair for statist and passion for calculations. That Papa Kumar Sen is terribly proud of his fi son — the previous ones being all daughters — and hoj the little one will some day become the Charles Bo) of India. That film actress Gita Nizami whom love once c verted into Gita Vedi is reported to be fed up of \e recitations and is taking a well-deserved rest miles at from Vedi and his Vedas. Hinduism has always bee difficult religion to understand. That Kishore Sahu, our professional "genius . once again revived the old embers of Hindustan Chi making Makhanlal and Tewari blow hard for it. The fi one will be called "Saw an Ava Re". It is his third in "S" series. That Keki Modi. India's long-nosed Rank, calls '"New Empire", the "Pride of the Post-war Thea World". It must be, seeing that the white caps se buried under it. Poor Morarji! That Keki Modi didn't care to call any Congo Minister to perform the opening ceremony of his w theatre. He opened it himself and we missed a "speec from Balasaheb Kher on the art of building theati without cement and steel. That a local daily made a lot of fuss about Minisl Vartak being treated differently at the \ .T. Station wh on his way to Poona. That's nothing, the Deccan Que used to wait 15 minutes for Keki Modi. That Keki Modi is supposed to have made two croi of rupees — all during the last ten years. That's achievement of genius. We, however, want to know h( 20