FilmIndia (1948)

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. ctober, 1948 A.I.C.C. members while the cinema is fast nearing completion. I expect some Congress minister to perform the opening ceremony. Democracy is buried under these two buildings. Why does Prithviraj like stage acting better than ■lm acting? He looks better on the stage and does a more useful job there. When C. R. was in favour of Pakistan some years ack, people began to abuse him and went even to the vtent of throwing stones. at him. Now? ftow Rajuji is the Governor General of India and they heap flowers at his feet. That's how people are nil <ner the world. W ho is the greatest politician in India today? Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. W hy do lovers go to gardens to enjoy their honeyloon ? To borrow colour from the flowers and youth from the plants. In "Dr. Kotnis", there was nobody else on the platorm at Sholapur station when the hero arrives. Is this •ossible in such a big station? People were probably scared of the Razakars. ;OYFM> 15IJI VM (New Delhi) I have heard at a number of marriage functions the ecords and music of the type "Saw an ke Badalo" (from Rattan' I being played also by the band. What is the dea in playing such sad type of music on auspicious ind happy occasions? That supplies one more proof of our stupidity. They also play "Milke bichhad gaye. hai rain' and thereby curse the bride on her wedding day. [\ S VTV iNAR WAN A RAO (Kurnool) Why do women usually carry hand bags while they *o out? The tailors have not yet begun fixing pockets to the skirts and saris in India. It hen women wear slacks they keep the bags behind — for men to explore. Why is 'truth' often described as "naked"? Because it always exposes facts and individuals. ONKAR NATH AGARWAL ( Allahaha.1) What oil has Motilal used which has made his head Mack as he appears in his latest pictures, while he was previously bald-headed? Max Factor s wig which Shobhana Satnarth brought for him. I! Y K VPOOR (Calcutta) Which film company or producer in your opinion, is making films in pursuance of the policy as enunciated by the Government and thus helping them? None. How are the common people reacting to the Hin FILM INDIA dustani version of English pictures like "The Thief of Baghdad", especially the love scenes? They enjoy the love scenes and see the picture again and again and incidentally pay the foreigner again and again. RAM M. G. (Nagpur) Mr. Patel, are you proud of 15th August 1947? / have not yet recovered from the shock of the freedom accident to nurse any pride. KUMAR GHOSH (Lucknow) W hen exactly does a bed of roses turn into a bed of babuls? W hen romance sheds its rosy tint and starts crying in a crowded cradle. Define corruption? A way of living without official blessings. ASSAN J. ITAMCHANDAM (Raroda) As an editor of a film magazine, you appreciate the work of Honourable Minister Morarji Sahib, but as a journalist how do you find his latest activities under Public Security Measures Act? Since the act was passed, I have not yet discovered a single instance where the strong man of Bombay has used his power with a vengeance. I am merely a film scribe and Morarji Sahib has no time for "fillum wallas". He has more important things to do. What is your opinion about "The Iron Curtain"? It is a poor picture with blatant propaganda which defeats its purpose. At best it is like a crude abuse. T. N. DEVAPAUL (Kolar) In free India, when will our Anglo-Indian ladies wear sarees instead of frocks? Why change them? They are live statues of one-time British rule in India and they remind us of the British boot under which we struggled for freedom. If the Anglo Indian girls help us to keep this memory green, they will have done their patriotic bit for the country. T. A. KRISHNAMURTY (Salem) Man has failed to secure world peace. Don't you think woman by her verv nature is best-suited for the job? // you meet the modern American woman, you will consider the present world a paradise and man as its angel. V. PRAKASH (New Delhi) What is your opinion about the new anti-corruption drive? Well intentioned but not well aimed. Define 'dogmatism"? The views which an average Congress minister airs at Chowpatty and in other vacant plots of land. 33