FilmIndia (1948)

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MLMIIN1JIA a dirty game and yet people from all walks of life including the film industry are hard put to remain above or aloof from it probably because everybody who is somebody likes to dabble in this dirty game and, as in the words of Ingalls, '"the purification of politics is an iridescent dream". The war of nerves that has been going on in Hollywood for over a year now between the pro-communist elements and the rival group of loyalists of the U. S. foreign policy provides a classic illustration of the fact that, whatever cynics might say to the contrary, it is practically impossible for the screen to be permanently free from the shadow of politics in spite of all the camouflage resorted to keep the films immune as it were from the influence and repercussions of political developments and juggleries whether of a particular country or the world at large. One was sadly reminded of this unpleasant fact during the release at the local Strand of 20th Century Fox's 'Tron Curtain" last month and its aftermath. Notwithstanding the advisability or otherwise of India's attitude towards Russia (dealt with exclusively elsewhere in this issue), there ' is something significant about the reactions of a majority of our filmgoers to this allegedly anti-Soviet film as also the hue and cry raised against it by the local 'Friends of the Soviet Union' as they struck an impartial and dispassionate observer who witnessed both, the picture and the demonstrations staged against it. Prior to the release of this controversial film in Bombay, there had been considerable propaganda and November, 194 premature criticism by a section of local Soviet symp thisers including subsidized newspapers to get it bannt throughout the country. Rumours were afloat that tl picture was either already banned or that the authoriti were reluctant, if not afraid, to certify it in view of tl probable agitation and protest that had been threaten by the local Reds. As it is, the very fact that the authorities refused be cowed down by the agitators and showed the wisdo and courage to abide by their own judgment and th certify the film for release, was not a little damper f< our local "friends" of Russia who failed to take the hi and made a veritable farce of their protest against tl "Iron Curtain". While the picture itself was much ado about nothi being very crude in presentation and offering no ente tainment or dramatic substance, it at least gave a glimp of the extreme reservation and suspicion with which tl Russians have been treating their erstwhile allies aft( the victory over Nazism and Fascism. As for the protest, it was half-hearted and fizzle out abortively though it was long after they had lost tl battle that its sponsors realized they had lost it! A handful of youngsters gathered together on tl opening day of the film to distribute some two-fao handbills to the visitors containing a frantic appeal the citizens to boycott the "Iron Curtain" signed, amon others, by Dr. Mulkraj Anand. Prof. Wadia and Editc Karanjia of "Blitz '. (It is difficult to keep pace wi Russi Karanjia's chameleonic politics). On the other side of the handbill, the "Friends When the time comes to switch off the lights and switch on your Kodascope ... when, in a jiffy, you and your family are transported to a new world— a world of yesterday'6 high spots preserved in Home Movies for tomorrow's delight, with every reel that's projected yielding its precious cargo of happy moments ... then youTl admit that your patience has been rewarded. Cine-Kodaks and Kodascopes are now available with Lumenized lenses for clearer and better picture-making in colour or black and white. See your Kodak dealer now and get your order registered.