FilmIndia (1948)

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•ecember, 1948 FILM1NDI A . SHAHZAD (Bangalore) Is it petrol alone that moulds the destinies of na10ns? It has made I ncle Sam the god father of the world. IDYA PRAKASH JAIN (Ghaziabad) I request God to make me a dog in England than a nan in India. W hat do you sav ? They chain the dogs in England while in India even Communists are let loose. | K. DEVADATHAM (Parbhani) Can politics and romance go together? Oh, yes! But I can't tell you the juicy stories. BABl RAO NAIDl" (Kondapalli) It appears that you dislike Socialists? / don't. I dislike their tall talk which leads us nowhere. Is it possible nowadays to correspond with virgin ctresses ? } ou can write to Baby Tabassum. She is 5 years old and a virgin. ISS GOLROO KL SHALPA (Mercara) W hich was the happiest day of your life? Our Independence Day when even the sun smiled on us. Are the American women more beautiful than the ndian ones? / do not think so. though they weigh more with enough to eat and drink. Beauty is a product of long culture and America is too young a nation to have any culture or racial characteristics. So far it has been a dumping ground for refuse and refugees from other countries. KANT GOPAL PRADHAN (Amroati) Has any Congress leader asked you any questions Jst as readers ask you? Congress leaders are busy answering questions, not asking. If all the mirrors are kept away from actresses for ime days, how will they judge their beauty? By the sale of tickets at the cinemas. E. JACOB (Kottaram) Which is the language you like most? English! It has uords for all needs and moods. B. KRISHNA (Bangalore) Is the study of human psychology essential for a Im actor? Absolutely, if he wants to give a vivid portrayal of the role he is called upon to play. That some of our actors, directors and producers do not know how even to spell ''psychology" is altogether another matter. HAWAN1 SH ANKER (Ne* Delhi) What do you think about the future of Sulochana hatterjee and Kamini Kaushal ? Their present is not glamorous enough to have a future. . N. M. KHAN (Dharampur) Is it a fact that the majority of the Maharashtrians iffer from provincialism? Provincialism is not peculiar to the Maharashtrians only. Speaking at Baroda, Rajaji proudly discovered some South Indian blood in one of the old Ranees of Baroda and thus established his relationship with the princely family. MISS NALINI BOROOAH (Calcutta) W ouldst thou have me cry ? That would be wasting temper and the tears would burn your cheeks. MASTER PADMANABHA (Mangalore) W ho. according to you. is the most heroic woman of modern times? The common housewife who unsung and unwept, still keeps the home fires burning in the midst of want and misery. W. RAGHOTHAMA RAO (Cuddapah) W hat message has the night to tell you? That the day will soon dawn with its eternal grind of work and worry. K. P. AGRAWAL (Darbhanga) Mr. Baburao. can you imagine "filmindia"' without vou ? / can but can you? ARJAN L. MAHTANI (Bombay) Do you believe that prayer is really answered? } es, man often answers our prayer to God and proves that man is made in His image. S. H. MEKRANV (Babraicli) What do you do when your pockets are empty? / work. And seeing that I ivork always the pockets seem to provide a continuous incentive. Emptypockets seem to be a national malady with Indians. NARENDRA KUMAR (Lucknow) Have you ever been haunted by ghosts or witches? Oh, yes! In my world they are called producers and film stars. R. S. N. RAO (Sbolapur) Do you think that a wife should clean her husband's shoes? My wife does it every day and when I forbid her she pulls a long face, so I let her do it. And they didn't teach her that in college. H. R. N. ML RTI (Calcutta) Do Americans like our pictures? They like our tigers, elephants, fakirs and snake-charmers. >. 1). DATAR (Sbolapur) Vi hat is reputation? The goodwill of creditors. I NDRA KACKER (Jodbpur) Please say something about Dilip Kumar ? Bis name is ) usuf Khan. He is the son of a fruit seller in the Crawford Market. He has had some college education and is reported to be a polite boy. (,. V JOHARI (Lucknow) If revenge is a sort of wild justice what do you think is forbearance? Forbearance is divine justice. It has the patience of God. 31