FilmIndia (1948)

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December. 1948 FILMINDIA vulgar and distorted picture of our educational institution? where students take primary lessons in civil discipline? If one producer is taught a severe lesson, others will quickly learn to respect our ideals in human relationship and national life. I -ED AND ABUSED The romantic story of the picture [is well-worn with use and abuse bv several repetitions on the screen. Jugnu (a fat. oversized woman with babies in her eyes, played by Noor Jehan) is a college ''girl" who. being the heroine, is easily the most lionised in a crowd of several ugly cats. They all live in the college hostel. Suraj. the hero — gaunt and famished, also stands out from his crowd and through a prank meets Jugnu and starts making love to her. Sura;'? father, however, plans to get Suraj married to a rich girl who would bring in money and save the old man from bankruptcv. In spite of usual sobs and sighs. Suraj is married to some invisible woman and Jugnu settles down in her bed to die of film consumption with unconvincing little coughs punctuating her utterance^. Suraj. who had agreed to his marriage under a misunderstanding created bv his own mother, soon discovers his mistake and rushes to Jugnu's dving bed. Jugnu die in Suraj's lap and Suraj commits suicide after throwing some Crossword Puzzle monev on his father's face. It is a story of calf love in a college but none of the girls seems to have gone within ten miles of anv college. Imagine \ur Jehan as a college undergraduate. If for nothinsr else, for sheer weight she mu<i be disqualified for the role. With the exception of Dilip Kumar, the re-t of the Punjabi crowd seemed to be equally ignorant of college life. The entire affair is just damn stupid and annoyins. There is no decency anywhere in the picture. NUR JEHAN IN COLLEGE The production values are as erratic as the story, sound recording being negligent and photography contrast)throughout. The music and the tunes are ridiculously cheap and do not appeal. Dialogue, however, is good in parts. From the players. \ur Jehan es an utter fool of herself as Jugnu. the college girl. A mother of several kids, she looks a mother all over to mix well with college girls. Her crude sex-appeal makes her a complete misfit for a role which needs education and culture. Her fat face refuses to move and her song gestures with her balloon bust create both revulsion and ridicule. She. however, sings a couple of songs well. Dilip Kumar looks the average col lege boy as Suraj but a poor hero — indeed very poor. He tries to do his bit but he doesn't match well with Nur Jehan. Dilip. however, speak? his dialogue well. The others add to the repulsive farce. In short. " Jugnu is a dirty, disgusting and vulgar picture and no decent exhibitor with any pride for his profession or any self-respect should exhibit it in his theatre. BETTER M.R.414 SENIOR FOR STUDIOS Equipped with Mole. Richardson Lighting units, ycur studio can depend on quality turnout every time you make a picture. Along side is M. R. 414 Senior Solar. spot SOOO-Watt lamp, the larges'. in the Mole-Richardson series and is particularly adapted to back-lighting. Below is the Midget M-R 404, a small lamp with a definite place in the illumination system. M-R 21 is Single Side Lamp for soft, diffused lighting. GENERAL RADIO & APPLIANCES LTD., Motion Picture Sound Engineers 16, New Queen's RoaH, Bombay. Offices at : Calcutta, Karachi, Madras, Lahore, New Delhi. Studio i Cameras, Projectors, i Developing and Printing machines and other 1 studio accessories. 43