FilmIndia (1946)

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March, 1946 FILM INDIA Saigal acts the title role in "Omar Khayyam" produced by Mohan Sinha. lifully produced subjects by the I. F. 1 Congratulations to the modest Ezra Mr. REHEARSING WIFE-MURDER Up on the heights of his hill-top heme in Beverly Hills that silverhaired Jewish comedian. Charlie Chaplin, is reported to have completed the story of Bluebeard, the French Specialist among wife-murderers. Charlie is reported to have made a funny story out of this grim theme and is expected to go on the sets sometime in April. ALL MOONSHINE If what American Dean Jagger says is true, the menace of the British Film Magnate Arihur Rank is all tall talk. According to Jagger, only 25% ot the studios are operating in England. Th? rest are used as godowns for food stuffs. Jagger says, "The studios that arc working can offer no serious threat lo Hollywood. Rather than compete, the English are trying to co-operate and learn from our industry They realise that American comedy films are terrifically popular in the British Isles whereas British brand of humour dees not click here at all. They are busy trying to adjust that situation." We always thought so. HIS LAST ACT From Laguna Beach, California, comes the sad news of the death ot George J (Sim) Summerville, American film comedian and director at the age of 54. He worked in film-; for over 30 years In 1938, he gave his 627: h film performance in "Winner Takes All." NOT A DHOBIE GHAT Mr. D B Divekar, Technical Chief of the Bombay Film Laboratory, has big post-war plans which will essentially benefit the film industry in South India. Mr. Divekar is establishing a modern processing plant at Madras, both with quality and quantity output, sufficient to satisfy all the requirements of the Sou h Indian film industry. The new lab will be called Consolidated Film Laboratories and will cost over 10 lakhs in construction. BRITISH APPRECIATION "Convey my congratulations to the director of "Yikramaditya" and Prakash Pictures," said Mr. Sorensen, a member of the Parliamentary Delegation expressing his appreciation, "for ihe excellent production depicting the historica. background of 2000 years ago." Mr. Sorensen saw the picture in Madras. WEDDING BELLS On Friday, 1st February, at the Albless Baug, snuff-using, modest Keki Mistry. well-known cameraartist of the Central Studios, promised to love and protect Miss Banoo Jamooji as his partner of life in the presence of a crowd of distinguished film personalities. We wish them both all happiness and many smart little Kekis and Banoos. IN LOVING MEMORY To commemoraic the affectionate memory of his dear wife, the late Kamla Chatterjee, Director Kedar Sharma has christened his new picture, "Neel Kamal." We hope Kedar gives his loving wife a better deal now at least than when she lived through "Dhanna Bhagat" and "Vish Kanya". Little Kamla always deserved a better deal. FAMILY WEDDINGS Bette Davis, 37 married William Grant Sherry, a Laguna Beach artist, 8 years her junior, during her holiday trip. The marriage mosquito bit Beite s mother first who hooked in Robert Woodberry Pahnei just a week before Betie went that way. BE WARNED Writing in "Film Review" a recent publication written by F. Maurice Speed. E)arryl F. Zanuck, Vice-President of the Twentieth Century-Fox of America, says, "To meet the expanded demand for films, the major producers in time must logically come closer to their patrons. In so doing, they will lie following the example of other large industries whose business is of world-wide scope. I can well visualize the day when the major film companies will have plants in India and China, in Latin America and in o'her lands where movies have become a part of the daily life of the people. This, I am sure, will make for better pictures in that they will be more authentic and therefore appeal more readily to the people in the countries where they are produced." So this influential Jew has India on his brain. ON OUR SOIL Mr. Thorold Dickinson, director ot "Two Cities Films", accompanied by Mrs. Dickinson and Mr. Joyce Cary, novelist and author, are already in India on behalf of the Recruit Mumtaz from the Office of Assist. Contr. Gen of Civil Supplies, The Mall, Lahore, is educated, 23, 5' 9", speaks well and thinks he can act. 33