FilmIndia (1946)

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April, 1946 Here is a straight-forward, self-respecting exhibitor who is not afraid to tell the truth. I now want to know what the different noisy trade associations we have, have done about this matter. Now they know who are the culprits. Before I comment again, I shall wait and watch the developments. MUNICIPAL THEATRE AT LAST Taking up our suggestion in the December, '45 issue of "filmindia'', the city fathers of the Bombay Municipal Corporation, sanctioned on the 4th of March, the construction of a municipal theatre in the City at a cost of rupees two lakhs. Though it will be a rather poor theatre, that costs only 1 two lakhs, it is a good beginning for a city that had never j before thought of providing any special amenities to its long suffering citizens. It will be a good idea, however, to make a really good |ob of this municipal theatre scheme by asking some public spirited citizen, one who can afford, to contribute a substantial amount as additional donation and build a really first-class theatre that can become a pride of the First City of the Indian Empire. In any case, we congratulate our City Fathers on the promptness with which they adopted our suggestion and particularly thank Mrs. Lilavati Munshi and Mr. S. K. Patil who chaperoned the scheme. We now expect other cities like Calcutta, Delhi, Lahore, Madras, Ahmedabad, Karachi etc. to follow Bombay's example. There should be a network of municipal theatres all over India. YOU'LL HARDLY BELIEVE That V. Shantaram's "Dr. Kotnis" will run 50 weeks at the Swastik, Bombay, 45 out of which have been booked in advance. That in the Golden Jubilee Week, V. Shantaram will be presented by the Abbas-Sathe Syndicate, gold medals for the best story, the best acting, the best direction, the best music, the best cinematography, the best recording, the best dialogue, the best publicity and for the best heroine. After this presentation Shantaram will be the best man in the world after Adam — and how easily. That the only picture V. Shantaram is scared of as la competition to 'Dr. Kotnis* is "Sharabati Ankhen" produced by "gentle" Jamsu of the British Empire. "Sharabati Ankhen" has also come out of the Rajkamal Kalamandir, the Quality Corner of the Indian film industry. That Sardar Chandulal Shah was immensely pleai sed with his new picture, "Rajputani", which Hari Singh of Kashmir liked immensely. That is another competition Shantaram of "Dr. Kotnis" has to face. That in future our princes are going to endorse all film products to provide guidance to the masses. So after a long time success is within reach of our producers. They don't need journalists to 'review the pictures and in any case they don't care. That the members of the Producers' Association are more worried about the character "filmindia" gives to our film producers than how Navayug Chitrapat Ltd. try to paint them before millions. That way "filmindia" has always been more popular than our films. That Cartoonist Shankar of Delhi is likely to come down to Bombay to capture the expressions of K. A. Abbas. Sathe and Dewan Sharar after the release of "Dr. Kotnis." FILMINDIA Jan Mansion. Sir Pherozshah Mehta Poad. Port, BOMBAY. * ANNOUNCEMENT * (Permission of the Central Government obtained for this Capital Issue) INDIAN NATIONAL PICTURES Ltd., • AUTHORISED ISSUED CAPITAL CAPITAL RS. 50,00.000 RS. 20.00,000. Divided into 1,00,000 Shares of Rs. 20 each. Payable Rs. 3 with Application; Rs. 5 on Allotment and the rest on calls as Directors may decide * BOARD OF DIRECTORS (1) . Nawab Sir Liaqat Hyat Khan, K. B. E. (2) . Sahu Seth Shriyans Prasad Jain of Dalmia-Jain Group. (3) . Raja Dhanraj Girji Narsing Girji. (4) . R. Datta Esqr., of House of Dattas. (5) . Wazir-ud-Daulah Rai Bahadur Col. Dewan Dinanath, C. I. E. (6) . Seth Puranmal Surajmal Lahoti. (7) . Seth Manak Lai Gupta. (8) . Mr. Goverdhan Das Aggarwal, M. A. * SHARE APPLICATIONS AND FULL PROSPECTUS AVAILABLE AT ALL THE BRANCHES OF IMPERIAL BANK OF INDIA. PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK LTD. BHARAT BANK LTD. OR DIRECT FROM THE INDIAN NATIONAL PICTURES LIMITED, 13